Previous Events
Date | Event | Venue |
06/03/2025 19:15 |
Searching for life and what it means - Dr David Whitehouse We are delighted to be able to have a talk by Astronomer, science writer and BBC Science correspondent David Whitehouse on "searching for life and what it means". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
28/02/2025 18:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for viewing and imaging from sunset onwards when 7 planets will be able to be observed. The Great Red Spot on Jupiter will be displayed centrally at 7pm making for optimal viewing and imaging and with a new moon we should have ideal deep sky viewing opportunities. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp and the website in case a weather scrub should be needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
20/02/2025 19:15 |
Equipment workshop By popular request we are holding an equipment workshop where some of the kit we use at our observatory and as individuals will be displayed. This will allow members to see first hand how to assemble, align, calibrate and use telescopes etc. in the cold light of day, rather than during our dark observing nights. Members are also invited to bring along any equipment they may need assistance with. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
06/02/2025 19:15 |
Asteroids harbingers of life and death Dr Simon Helan (SAS) will give a talk on "Asteroids harbingers of life and death". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
31/01/2025 17:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood as the sun sets for some spectacular viewing of the slenderest of crescent Moon's with Saturn and Venus close-by. Four more planets will also be visible at the same time, with Jupiter and Mars very bright, Uranus just naked eye visible and Neptune using a telescope. The GRS will be leaving Jupiter's limb by 17:30 and the moon Europa will transit Jupiter from 20:40. The GRS makes a second appearance by midnight and will be centre at 01:30 when Io begins its transit across the planet. With clear skies and the Moon setting by 19:40 it should be an excellent night for observing and imaging some deep sky objects. Do wrap up warm and a hot drink is advised |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
23/01/2025 19:15 |
Robotic Telescopes - Chris Followell Chris Followell will give a talk on "Robotic Telescopes". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
15/01/2025 16:00 until cloudy |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood to observe the comet Atlas G3 which will be available shortly after sunset for about an hour or so. Please arrive early as once the target has sunk too low for our scopes we will then only be able to use binoculars to see it until it sets behind the airport buildings. While conditions remain clear we will then use the scopes to look at the planets, the Moon (rising at 6:20pm) and other objects until it clouds over. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
09/01/2025 19:15 |
A Pulsar Miscellany - Andrew McLean Andrew McLean (SAS) will give a talk on Pulsars. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
02/01/2025 16:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging A clear evening and night is forecast with a slender (8%) crescent Moon visible after sunset near Venus which will make for a fine sight. The planets Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus will also be visible early on, with the Great red spot on Jupiter transiting the planet as the sun sets and Ganymede being occulted by Jupiter at 10pm with Io then transiting the disc for the next couple of hours with Ganymede reappearing after midnight. Mars as well as the Winter constellations will dominate the early morning skies which look like being exceptionally clear following the recent storm. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub may be required. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
19/12/2024 16:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing of the planets, moon and deep sky objects. Venus will be dazzlingly bright low in the SW after sunset and Saturn well placed for viewing with its rings now obliquely visible. Neptune and Uranus are also on display and mighty Jupiter with its four Galilean moons will dominate the eastern sky with Ganymede appearing from behind the planets limb as Io and its shadow begins to transit the disc. Mars will be following Jupiter and the waning gibbous moon following Mars, which should be visible from 9:30pm onwards. Nearer to midnight the Great Red Spot will transit the disc of Jupiter; being central by 1am Sunday morning. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub may be required. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
14/12/2024 CANCELLED |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Due to weather, this event is cancelled, so please do not attend. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
12/12/2024 19:15 |
Christmas Quiz Our annual Christmas Quiz and Social. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
28/11/2024 19:15 |
Observing the Herschel 400 Jonathan Gale (SAS) will give a talk on "Observing the Herschel 400". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
27/11/2024 17:00 until cloudy! |
Members viewing night Members are welcome to attend Fairwood for some viewing of Saturn Jupiter and some deep sky objects from 5 pm onwards. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advisable. Please also check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub should be required. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
14/11/2024 19:15 |
Lunar Geology (from the safety of your own home) Barry Fitzgerald (Weymouth A.S.) will give a talk on "Lunar Geology (from the safety of your own home)" |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
11/11/2024 17:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging from 5pm. We will have a waxing gibbous Moon to view along with Saturn early on and then Jupiter should be visible from 8pm onwards. Uranus will be close to opposition, so should be worth a look and then Jupiter will command the sky from 9pm onwards with the GRS visible centrally approaching midnight. Once the Moon is lower in the sky, we should be able to view some deep sky objects for those wishing to stay late and may even see some north Taurid meteors which will be close to their peak. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is always a good idea. Please check the FOG WhatsApp group in case a weather scrub should be needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
31/10/2024 19:15 |
The Perils of Time Travel Philip Wallace (CAS) will give a talk on "The perils of time travel" |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
27/10/2024 10:00 - 16:00 |
Swansea Science Festival Swansea Astronomical Society are delighted to be once again taking part in the Science Festival weekend at the National Waterfront Museum Swansea. We will be displaying telescopes and a range of astronomy related equipment and carrying out live solar viewing (weather permitting) and engaging with members of the public on al things astronomical. Do come and say hello! |
National Waterfront Museum |
26/10/2024 10:00 - 16:00 |
Swansea Science Festival Swansea Astronomical Society are delighted to be once again taking part in the Science Festival weekend at the National Waterfront Museum Swansea. We will be displaying telescopes and a range of astronomy related equipment and carrying out live solar viewing (weather permitting) and engaging with members of the public on al things astronomical. Do come and say hello! |
National Waterfront Museum |
19/10/2024 18:30 - 21:30 |
Viewing/imaging of comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS) Members are invited to attend Fairwood to view the latest comet to grace our skies. from 6:30pm. With the sunset at 6:16pm and the moon rising at 6:48pm, there will be a couple of hours to catch this wanderer before it heads back to the Oort cloud! Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub may be needed. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
17/10/2024 19:15 |
Dark Energy and Dark Matter Prof David Bacon (Portsmouth University) will give a talk on dark energy and dark matter. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
03/10/2024 19:15 |
Exotic stars Dr Nicola Whitehead (SAS/UWTSD) will give a talk on "Exotic Stars". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
28/09/2024 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Due to a change of weather this event is now CANCELLED |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
19/09/2024 19:15 |
Isaac Newton and the Surrey Pumas Mike Frost(Director of the BAA Historical Section) will give a talk from his home in Warwickshire via Zoom on 'Isaac Newton and the Surrey Pumas'. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
19/09/2024 22:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood after our meeting for some fine views of Saturn recently passed opposition. We will also view the almost full Moon and take images with a range of equipment. Please dress warmly. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
13/09/2024 CANCELLED |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Due to a weather change this viewing will now not be going ahead. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
06/09/2024 20:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Due to weather forecast this event is now cancelled. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
22/08/2024 19:15 |
Bumps in the night: Listening to the Universe with gravitational waves Christy Chapman Bird will give a talk - Bumps in the night: Listening to the Universe with gravitational waves. Gravitational waves (GWs) are ripples in spacetime produced by orbiting or rotating bodies. The first direct detection of GWs from a pair of colliding black holes in September 2015 ushered in a new era of observational astronomy. In this talk, we will explore how GW signals can offer insights into the most energetic phenomena in our Universe, such as black hole / neutron star collisions, supernovae and the Big Bang. We will also highlight the synergy between GW and electromagnetic observations (i.e. light), which is known as multi-messenger astronomy. We will outline the current state of this burgeoning field, reviewing what we have learned so far and what can be expected over the coming years. |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
25/07/2024 19:15 |
Rockets/Satellites Paul Spurr will give a talk on Rockets and Satellites. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
27/06/2024 7:15 pm |
Jenifer Millard - Galaxies and the Infrared We are delighted to have writer and host of the 'Awesome Astronomy' podcast Jenifer Millard come in person to give a talk to our society. Jenifer has many other accolades to her name including Managing Editor, Fifth Star Labs 'Sky Guide' (Apple App Store) a BBC Contributor (Radio/TV News/Weatherman Walking) and Cardiff University 30ish Award Winner 2022). |
IQ Building Room 001 on Zoom |
13/06/2024 19:15 |
A Life in Astronomy and Space Research Professor David Rees (Kent A.S.) will give a talk on 'A Life in Astronomy and Space Research' |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
08/06/2024 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Peer Assist/Observing & Imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory for any help required with their scopes or equipment, following which there will be an observing and imaging session until it gets too light (and we see some planets!) Please dress warmly as it will be much cooler than of late and so a hot flask is a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling in case a weather scrub may be required. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
01/06/2024 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Peer Assist/Observing & Imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory at Fairwood to take advantage of the warm early summer conditions for any help or assistance they may need with their scopes or equipment. We will also carry out observing and imaging until late into the night/early morning to use what little night is available at this time of year. Please bring some warm clothing in case it may be needed and a hot drink is always a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling in case a weather scrub may be needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
30/05/2024 19:15 |
SAS meeting and talk on Smart Scopes by Roger Pittock Roger Pittock (Castle Point Astronomy Club Essex) will give a talk about Smart Telescopes. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
19/05/2024 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging on what may be one of the last opportunities before it gets too light during the summer months. There will be 87% waxing gibbous moon which should look stunning in our range of scopes on offer and two very bright ISS passes at 23:10 and 00:50. The weather conditions are set fair with warm temperatures expected, however a hat and a jacket are always a good idea; as is a hot flask. Please check WhatsApp before heading out, just in case a weather scrub may be needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
16/05/2024 19:15 |
The April 8th Total Eclipse of the Sun Gaynor Thomas, Maggie Collins, Paul Pocklington and Chris Bowden (SAS) will talk about their adventures in America and Mexico viewing the April 8th 2024 Total Eclipse of the Sun. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
10/05/2024 19:30 until late |
Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society will be hosting star party for members, family and friends interested in learning more about the night sky or getting the most out of their observing equipment. A range of telescopes will be available for views of the Moon, planets and deep sky objects, with demonstrations of live stacking and imaging taking place. Please bring along anything you would like to eat or drink. A barbecue will be available for folk to cook their own food prior to it getting dark. Car parking and toilets will be available on site. Please use only red lights once dark. A head covering, warm clothing and a warm drink are always a good idea. |
Broughton Caravan Park Llangennith |
08/05/2024 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Peer Assist/Observing & Imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood where practical assistance will be given to members needing any help with their scopes. Following this we will carry out viewing and imaging until it gets too light (we may see some planets then!) Please bring some warm clothing as it is likely to be colder than of late, so a hot flask is also a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling just in case a weather scrub may be needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
02/05/2024 19:15 |
A Very British Meteorite Martin Lunn MBE FRAS will give a talk about 'A very British Meteorite'. |
NB: Zoom only |
18/04/2024 19:15 |
Prehistoric Astronomers and the value of their legacies Roger Davies (SAS) will give a talk on "Prehistoric Astronomers and the value of their legacies". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
04/04/2024 19:15 |
Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - Historical & Current Perspectives Alan Foster (Cardiff A.S.) will give a talk on "Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena - Historical & Current Perspectives". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
03/04/2024 19:15 |
Kuiper Belt Objects - Prof Nik Whitehead Prof Nik Whitehead (SAS) will give a talk on "Kuiper Belt Objects". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
21/03/2024 19:15 |
Open Clusters Howard Davies (SAS) will give a talk on "Open Clusters". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
15/03/2024 18:00 until 23:00 |
Fairwood Observing and imaging With a few hours of clear skies promised this evening and the Moon still close to the Pleiades, Mercury making an appearance and Jupiter & Uranus visible, we will be heading to Fairwood from 6pm to do some observing. All members are very welcome! |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
07/03/2024 19:15 |
I did it my way! John Beer (SAS) will give a talk entitled "I did it my way!" |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
26/02/2024 18:00 until late |
Members observing, and imaging night Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging from 6 pm. The moon will rise at about 8 pm, which will hamper visual observing of DSO’s by 9 pm. Jupiter will be well placed for observing until 10pm though. It is forecast to be a chilly night, so please dress warmly and hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub should be required. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
22/02/2024 19:15 |
The Constellation Cepheus Dr Simon Helan (SAS) will give a talk on "The Constellation Cepheus". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
08/02/2024 19:15 |
Ways to get into orbit Dr Nicola Whitehead (UWTSD) will give a talk on "Ways to get into orbit". |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
25/01/2024 19:15 |
Globular Clusters Owen Brazell will give a talk on "Globular Clusters" |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
11/01/2024 19:15 |
Planetary Nebulae Dr Roger Wesson (Cardiff University) will give a talk on "Planetary Nebulae". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
06/01/2024 17:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to the observatory at Fairwood for some viewing and imaging from 5pm on Saturday 6th January. Saturn should be visible for a few hours which will give a last chance to see it at its best for some time and the Great Red Spot on Jupiter will be central as we set up. The moon will be at last quarter and so not rising until the small hours which should allow us to see many deep sky objects at their best. Please wrap up warm and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before setting off just in case a weather change should cause a scrub. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
04/01/2024 16:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory from 4.30pm for a chance to see an occultation of Saturn by the 25% illuminated Moon. The occultation will begin at around 17:15 hrs, when Saturn will disappear behind the Moon, with egress due at 18:25. The planets Venus, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune will also be visible with Mars and the Winter constellations later on. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advisable. Please check WhatsApp in case a weather scrub may be required. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
14/12/2023 19:15 |
UKMON Ed Cooper (Cardiff A.S.) will give a talk on the UK Meteor Monitoring system with an overview of the facilities used in Cardiff and elsewhere. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
01/12/2023 18:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Workshop 3 Members are invited to attend Fairwood from 6pm for some observing and imaging. Members are welcome to bring along any scopes or items of equipment they may want assistance with. Please dress up warmly as it will be very cold and a hot drink is always advisable. Please check Whats App before travelling just in case a weather scrub is called. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
30/11/2023 19:15 |
Jonathan Gale - Observing the lunar 100 Jonathan Gale (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Observing the Lunar 100' |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
24/11/2023 17:30 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood from 5:30 pm for some viewing and imaging of the Moon, planets Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune and other objects. Narrow band imaging will also be possible in the crisp cold air. This will be the first cold night this season which is forecast to get down to 2C and feeling more like zero C, so do wrap up warm and bring a flask! Please check WhatsApp before setting off in case of a weather scrub. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
16/11/2023 19:15 |
Prof Mike Edmunds - Accuracy, Innovation and the Advance of Astronomy 1923 - 2023 As part of our series of prestigious talks to celebrate our 75th anniversary year, we welcome back an old friend to our society; Professor Mike Edmunds; President of the Royal Astronomical Society who will talk on how we have made advances in technology which has changed astronomy over the past 100 years. |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
10/11/2023 CANCELLED |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Please note this event is now CANCELLED due to weather. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
03/11/2023 18:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood to see Jupiter at opposition as well as other objects whilst the skies remain clear. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
02/11/2023 19:15 |
Dr Andrew McLean - Neutrinos in Astronomy Dr Andrew McLean (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on "Neutrinos in Astronomy" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
29/10/2023 10 until 4 pm |
Swansea Science Festival Swansea Astronomical Society will be taking part in this event demonstrating solar viewing and imaging plus a range of static displays in the exhibition hall. |
National Waterfront Museum Swansea SA1 3RD |
28/10/2023 10 until 4 pm |
Swansea Science Festival Swansea Astronomical Society will be taking part in this event demonstrating solar viewing and imaging plus a range of static displays in the exhibition hall. |
National Waterfront Museum Swansea |
19/10/2023 19:15 |
Space Elevators - Philip Wallace Philip Wallace (Cardiff A.S.) will give a talk on "Space Elevators". |
IQ Building Room 001 and on Zoom |
14/10/2023 19:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for the second workshop for beginners and viewing/imaging. It promises to be a fine night, so please come prepared with warm clothing and a hot drink. Please check WhatsApp before heading off just in case the weather changes. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
07/10/2023 19:00 until late |
Members workshop, viewing and imaging. Members are invited to attend Fairwood for the second workshop aimed at sharing knowledge of our hobby. This time we will concentrate on sky navigation but will also assist members with their equipment, so please bring along scopes or any other equipment you may want assistance with. We will also use our many scopes for some fine views of the night sky and can assist those wanting to know more about how to image objects in the night sky. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
05/10/2023 19:15 |
Life in the Universe Professor Matt Griffin (Cardiff University) will give a talk on "Life in the Universe" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
22/09/2023 19:00 until late |
Members Astronomy Beginners classes, viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for the first of several workshops on Astronomy. Assistance will be given to members who bring along their scopes and may need help setting up or getting the most out of them. There will also be guidance on celestial mechanics, imaging and any other aspects needed. The sessions will be held at the observatory where hands on operation of astronomy equipment will be encouraged. Members will also be able to try their hand at using a range of equipment for viewing and imaging. Please wear sensible clothing and a hot drink is advised. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
21/09/2023 19:15 |
How the Sun Works Paul Spurr will give another popular talk |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
09/09/2023 20:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some observing and imaging. We should get some nice views of Saturn and Jupiter and with the moon not rising until 1am, some great views of the rich Milky Way and deep sky objects. The forecast looks fine, but a coat and a warm drink is always a good idea.Please check WhatsApp before heading off just in case a weather scrub is needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
02/09/2023 20:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging from 8pm until sunrise. This will be a great time to see Saturn just past opposition as well as Jupiter and the 90% illuminated Moon. Towards dawn we may also be able to view the comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) near Venus and M44. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before travelling just in case a weather scrub is necessary. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
01/09/2023 8 pm until late |
Members viewing and imaging Some repairs and calibrations to the main scope will be carried out during the evening, following which the scope will be fully tested for viewing and imaging. Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging from 8pm until late. This will be a great time to see Saturn just past opposition as well as Jupiter and the almost full Moon. Due to the bright moonlight viewing will be adversely affected and imaging of anything other than the Moon itself and the brightest planets will only be possible by using narrow band. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before travelling just in case a weather scrub is necessary. |
Brian Stokes Cugnus Observatory |
29/08/2023 2000 until late |
Members viewing and imaging This is another chance to see Saturn close to opposition on what promises to be a clear night. There will be more of a moon to contend with, but this won't affect the Saturn viewing and if it stays clear all night there may still be time for some deep sky viewing later on. Narrow band imaging can be done whilst the moon is an issue. Please dress for cooler conditions and a hot drink is advisable. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
26/08/2023 19:00 (solar) and then until its too cloudy! |
Fairwood Observing and imaging We are bringing this forward slightly due to a weather change and will do some solar observing from 7pm and then stay on for some views of Saturn at opposition. It looks like we will have some clear spells until 10 ish and once clouded out we will head off. Do please come for some solar viewing and Saturn at its best! |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
24/08/2023 19:15 |
Astro Engineering Bud Budzynski (Crewkerne A.S.) will give a talk on 'Astro Engineering' - a grass-roots Astronomy presentation designed to appeal to anyone who has ever picked up a telescope. |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
15/08/2023 21:00 until late |
Perseid viewing and imaging With a clear night forecast and the annual Perseid meteor shower still active, we will be taking advantage of the moonless sky to view and image meteors and other objects from one of the darkest parts of Gower. Please meet in the main car park of Rhossili from 9pm, prepared with head torch, head covering, warm clothing and a hot flask is also a good idea. A deckchair for comfortable viewing of the meteors will also enhance your enjoyment of this event. |
Rhossili Car Park Gower |
11/08/2023 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging (Perseid meteors) Members are invited to attend Fairwood on Friday 11th August for some viewing and imaging of the annual Perseid meteor shower. The peak will be around the 12th and this seems the better day weather-wise with partially clear skies forecast and a shower or two expected when we can take cover in the observatory. It should be mild, but a coat and a flask are a good idea. A deckchair is a good idea too for viewing the meteors comfortably. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
05/08/2023 22:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood late Saturday night (5th August) for some viewing and observing. We will aim to do some narrow band imaging and planetary observations including Saturn and Jupiter. It should be a mild night, but warm clothing and a hot drink are always a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling just in case a weather scrub is needed. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
29/07/2023 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory at Fairwood for some observing and imaging.This event will go ahead irrespective of weather as we will be taking the opportunity to show our visiting fellow member from Kent our new observatory and if the weather does not cooperate we will be carrying out some maintenance tasks. All members are welcome. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
27/07/2023 19:15 |
Bursts bangs and things that go bump in the night As part of our society's 75th anniversary celebrations, we are thrilled to have Professor Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell join us to give a talk to our society. |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
19/07/2023 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Fairwood will be open for members observing and imaging from 9 pm on Wednesday 19th July. The early evening sky should be majestic with Mercury, Venus, Mars and the New Moon (just 3% phase setting by 10:28pm) all bunched together in the twilight sky. There will also be three ISS passes; at 10:10pm, a quarter to midnight (directly overhead) and a later one at 01:24 low down. As darkness falls we will see some amazing views of the central region of our galaxy the Milky Way. After viewing and imaging some of the exotic objects lower down towards the horizon, we will then move on to other targets including the supernova in M101 which is still shining brightly. We should also get some fine views of Saturn and Jupiter as they make their return to the evening and early morning skies (Saturn rises at 10:53pm and Jupiter at ten to 1 in the morning). With should be a most pleasant summer’s viewing night with mild conditions, but a warm coat and a hot flask are always a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling as a go/no go weather update will be sent by 4pm on the day. We look forward to seeing you there. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
07/07/2023 21:00 until late |
Gower Mikyway & DSO Observing and imaging Members interested in joining an excursion to the darker areas of Gower for some imaging of the central region of our galaxy, please meet at Fairwood at 9pm. We will load equipment and then car share for our expedition to some known dark sky vantage points in Gower for some great views and images of the exotic objects only visible at this time of year from south Wales. Please wrap up warm and bring a hot drink as we may be exposed outside of the observing tent. Please check WhatsApp before heading off in case of a weather scrub. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
29/06/2023 19:15 |
Planetary Protection - What is it and why is it so important? Dr Nik Whitehead (University of Wales Trinity St David) will give a talk on “Planetary Protection - What is it and why is it so important?” |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
04/06/2023 11:00 am until 4 pm |
Members Solar viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some solar viewing and imaging on Sunday from 11 am. We will have a range of equipment available including a Quark, Herschel Wedge, various Hydrogen Alpha Etalon filtered scopes and white light filters for others including the 12" Meade. Please come along and enjoy some amazing views of the sun and enjoy some time with fellow SAS members at our fine observatory! |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
02/06/2023 21:30 until late |
Members viewing and imaging A late session will take place during the run of clear and fine nights. All members are welcome. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
01/06/2023 19:15 |
AGM and members short talks AGM followed by members short talks from members |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
28/05/2023 21:30 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood on Sunday evening from 9:30pm for what promises to be a very pleasant night for star gazing in the very mild conditions we are currently enjoying. As it is Bank Holiday on Monday this will allow those working to be able to have a lie in too! With astronomical night shrinking by the day and the moon waxing gibbous more and more each day, this is probably the last opportunity for some decent viewing until the end of the summer. I look forward to seeing you there! |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
26/05/2023 21:15 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some late evening and early morning observing and imaging of the Moon, Venus, Mars and deep sky objects including a new supernova in M101 which is continuing to brighten. There will be a daytime pass of the ISS close to the Moon at 21:48 and another low pass at 23:24. The ISS currently has 11 people on board. The weather promises to be quite mild for a change, but a jacket and a hot flask are always a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before setting off just in case the weather changes. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
19/05/2023 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory for some viewing and imaging from 9pm. We should have good views of Venus and Mars after sunset and there will be a very bright ISS pass at 10:37pm which will go very close to Alcor and Mizar. With the moon out of the way it should be a great opportunity to observe some deep sky objects.Please bring warm clothing and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before setting out in case of a weather scrub. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
11/05/2023 21:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood from 9pm on Thursday 11th May for some planetary and deep sky observing and imaging. Venus and Mars will be well placed after sunset and with the moon not rising until late we will be able view some deep sky objects once it is properly dark. The weather looks good, with rain set to stop by 6pm clearing the air for some great observing conditions. Temperatures will be around 12 degrees C, so a warm coat and a hot flask are always a good idea. Please check WhatsApp before travelling as a go/no go weather update will be sent by 6pm on the day. We look forward to seeing you there. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
04/05/2023 19:15 |
Black Holes Professor Malcolm MacCallum will give a talk on "Black Holes" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
20/04/2023 19:15 |
Onboard the ISS Jo Richardson (Space Detectives) will give a talk about "Onboard the ISS" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
19/04/2023 20:15 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood on Wednesday evening (19th April) for some observing and imaging from 8:15 pm onward. We should see Venus before the sun goes down and we may also get a glimpse of Mercury after sunset, before turning our attentions to Mars and deep sky objects on what promises to be a dark clear night on the evening before the next total eclipse of the sun (visible from down under only). Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before setting off, in case the weather causes a cancellation. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
14/04/2023 20:00 until late |
Members imaging and observing Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging. With the moon at dichotomy, It should be well placed for observing, as well Mercury, Venus, Mars and several other objects. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advised. Please do check WhatsApp before venturing out in case the weather should cause us to cancel. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
06/04/2023 19:15 |
Stars - the powerful ones Howard Davies (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk entitled "Stars - the powerful ones) |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
01/04/2023 20:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory from 8pm for some viewing and imaging.There will be an ISS pass just after 8:15 which rises close to Mercury, goes below Venus and straight through Orion's sword, so will be worth a look. The Moon will be waxing gibbous in Leo and should also make for a fine sight, but will restrict imaging to narrow band wavelengths. Please dress warmly and a warm drink is advised. Please check WhatsApp before travelling just in case the event is cancelled due to weather. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
23/03/2023 19:15 |
Exoplanet Atmospheres Annabella Meech will give a talk on "Exoplanet Atmospheres" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
19/03/2023 12 until 4 pm |
Super Science Sunday As part of the Waterfront Museum's free 'Super Science Sunday' members will be demonstrating some live solar and lunar observing and engaging with the public. At 3pm there will also be a talk By SAS member Dr Nicola Whitehead (UWTSD) called 'The Stories of the Stars: Births, Lives, and Deaths'. Synopsis: When we look up at the night sky we see the stars twinkling at us, the same from night to night. Although we cannot see the stars changing, observing stars over the whole sky lets us work out how stars are born, what happens to them through their lives, and how they spectacularly eventually die. |
National Waterfront Museum Swansea SA1 3RD |
14/03/2023 19:00 until late |
Members viewing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory at Fairwood for some observing and imaging.The skies look set to clear by 7pm and following some rain it should be very clear with the winds subsiding too. Conditions look set fair until midnight, so this should allow us several hours to make the most of the moonless conditions. Please dress warmly and bring a hot drink as it will be a chilly night. Please also check WhatsApp before heading out in case the event needs to be rescheduled. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
09/03/2023 |
Meeting postponed |
02/03/2023 6 until late |
Members imaging and observing Members are invited to attend the observatory at Fairwood for some imaging and observing. There will be a waxing gibbous moon, but Venus and Jupiter will be strikingly bright as a close pairing, having just past a very close conjunction on St David’s Day. Mars will also be shining brightly to the right of the moon. Please dress warmly as it will be a very cold night and a hot drink is advisable. Please check WhatsApp before travelling in case the event needs to be cancelled or rescheduled to later in the evening. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
26/02/2023 20:00 until late |
Members observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the observatory all at Fairwood this Sunday evening from 8 pm onwards when it promises to be clear. The LX 200 is now back in commission so we will be using that as well as the triplet and other scopes. Please dress warmly, as it promises to be a cold night so a hot drink is advisable. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
Members viewing and imaging |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
23/02/2023 19:15 |
From Mars to the Multiverse As part of our society's 75th anniversary celebrations, we are delighted to have The Right Honourable Lord Rees of Ludlow, the fifteenth Astronomer Royal, give a talk to our society on 'From Mars to the Multiverse' |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
13/02/2023 6pm until late |
Members observing and imaging Members are invite to come along to Fairwood for some observing and imaging. Please dress warmly and bring a hot drink. Please also check WhatsApp prior to setting out in case the event is cancelled due to weather. |
The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
09/02/2023 19:15 |
Spectroscopy - 'cracking starlight's hidden code' Hugh Allen will give a talk on "Spectroscopy - cracking starlight's hidden code" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
31/01/2023 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging With comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) at closest approach to Earth in the next 24 hours we will attempt to view and image it from Fairwood this evening from 7pm. All members are invited to attend. Please dress for cold conditions and bring a hot drink to stay warm. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
26/01/2023 19:15 |
Closed Loop Life Support Systems Dr Nik Whitehead (University of Wales Trinity St David) will give a talk on 'Closed Loop Life Support Systems' which will explain how humans can survive in the unfriendly environment that is the vacuum or space, or the carbon dioxide atmosphere of Mars. |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
26/01/2023 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Fairwood will be open on Thursday evening after our meeting at the IQ building for members to go along for some observing and imaging until late. This will be an excellent opportunity to view comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) which is nearing its closest to Earth. Please do bring thermal clothing to change into as it will be a chilly night, so a hot drink is also advised. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
19/01/2023 17:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some viewing and imaging from 2:30 pm. Some of us will be there in the afternoon carrying out maintenance work and we will also take the opportunity to do some solar observing with a Herschel Wedge and a PST from around 2:30pm onwards. Members are welcome to come along to this if they wish, but please come early as the sun will be too low after 3:30pm when we will start reconfiguring the scopes ready for night time observing and imaging. From 5pm we should be able to see Venus and Saturn in the twilight sky with Jupiter and Mars looking striking further up. Uranus and Neptune will also visible, bringing to 6 the number of planets we should be able to view in the moonless sky. There will also be a favourable ISS pass at 6:20pm. Please dress warmly as it will be chilly, so a hot drink will be advisable. Please check WhatsApp and the website before heading off in case weather conditions change. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
12/01/2023 19:15 |
Radio Oddities: ORCs and LRBs Andrew McLean (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on "Radio Oddities: ORCs and LRBs" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
15/12/2022 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Following our meeting we intend going to Fairwood and should be opening up around 9pm. All members wishing to attend are welcome, but please bring your thermal gear and a flask if possible as it will be very cold. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
15/12/2022 7:15pm |
The Gaia mission Sheri Karl (Aberdeen Astronomical Society) will give a talk on "The Gaia mission" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
09/12/2022 17:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging A cold and clear night is forecast and with Mars just past opposition and the closest it will be to us for eleven years, this is an excellent opportunity to see the red planet at its best. Saturn will also be visible early on and Jupiter will be well placed with the Great Red Spot transiting the planet at 01:30. The Moon will be just past full, so this will limit viewing other targets, but for Saturn, Mars, Jupiter and the Moon it should be excellent. Please wrap up warm with several layers as it is forecast to be very chilly. A hot drink is advised. A go/no-go weather call will be made by 2pm on the day, so please check WhatsApp before heading out to Fairwood. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
01/12/2022 7:15pm |
Apollo17 - the 50th anniversary of the last man on the Moon Howard Davies (SAS) will give a talk entitled "Apollo17 - the 50th anniversary of the last man on the Moon" |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
12/11/2022 20:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some views of the Moon, planets and other objects.Please dress accordingly and bring a flask with a hot drink as conditions will be somewhat chilly. Please also do check WhatsApp before setting out for a final go/no-go weather call. |
Fairwood Observatory |
10/11/2022 7-15pm |
Quiz Night Phil John(SAS) will be presenting an Astronomical Quiz night. |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
05/11/2022 17:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some views of the Moon, planets and other objects.On arrival the Great Red Spot on Jupiter will be centrally placed just after sunset which will be a great opportunity for a photo. Please dress accordingly and bring a flask with a hot drink as conditions will be somewhat chilly. Please also do check WhatsApp before setting out for a final go/no-go weather call. |
Fairwood Observatory |
27/10/2022 7-15pm |
The story of Jodrell Bank Ian Morison, Gresham Professor of Astronomy, will give a talk entitled The Story of Jodrell Bank |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
25/10/2022 09:45 - noon |
Partial Solar Eclipse Livestream Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory on the morning of Tuesday 25th October for live views of the partial solar eclipse through various telescopes and cameras. The event will also be broadcast live on Zoom (link to be sent to members on the morning of the 22nd Oct). |
Fairwood |
22/10/2022 6:30 to 9:30pm |
Star Party A Chance to see telescope views of Planets, and learn more about the autumn constellations and galaxies such as M31 and M33. Activities will take place in and around the Great Glasshouse where talks, demonstrations and a scope clinic will take place. Refreshments will be available. Admission £5 with under 5's free. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales, Llanarthne, SA32 8HN |
17/10/2022 18:00 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter, dark sky objects and 3rd quarter Moon Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory on Monday evening (17th Oct) for some observing and imaging of planets and DSO's from 6pm. The Moon doesn't rise until 11pm, so we will make the most of the moonless conditions early on. As usual a go/no-go weather update will be made on the day with a notice on WhatsApp by 2pm. Please dress accordingly and a hot drink is advised. |
Fairwood Observatory |
13/10/2022 7-15pm |
Building and Operating a Dome Observatory David Richards will give a talk entitled 'Building and Operating a Dome Observatory' |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
05/10/2022 7pm until very late |
Members viewing and imaging night Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging. We will start with the Moon and at 7:30 pm we will view the ISS as it makes its last pass in UK skies for a while, before turning our scopes to Saturn and then Jupiter and Mars. We will aim to do some deep sky narrowband imaging until the moon sets just before 1 am and will then change to RGB before returning once again to Jupiter to view the Great Red Spot which will be centrally displayed by 03:30. As usual a go/no go weather call will be made by 4pm on the day so please check WhatsApp before travelling. If planning on staying for the whole night please ensure that you have had sufficient rest as you would do for working a night shift. Warm clothing, hot drinks and snacks are advised as well as suitable equipment for the long night session if you intend staying until dawn, so you are refreshed for driving home safely. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
29/09/2022 7pm until late |
Members observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory at Fairwood for some viewing and imaging on Thursday the 29th of September from 7 pm. We will start observing as the Sun sets to view the splendid crescent moon and there will then be a bright pass of the ISS as we open up the main obswrvatory scope to observe Saturn, moving on to Jupiter to see the great red spot then another pass of the ISS. We will then move onto Neptune, Uranus and Mars and also view some deep sky objects.Please dress accordingly and a hot drink is advised. As usual a go/ no go weather advisory will be made by 2 pm on the day and reported on WhatsApp. |
Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory |
24/09/2022 20:00 until late |
Members observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory on Saturday 24th September from 8 pm for some fine observing and imaging opportunities. There will be a great lineup of planets two ISS passes and the great red spot and Europa transiting Jupiter should be visible later on. Please wrap up warm as the weather promises to be cool and a hot drink is advised. A go/ no go weather call will be made by 2PM on the day, so please check WhatsApp before travelling. |
Fairwood |
22/09/2022 7:15pm |
Sketching Workshop Mary McIntyre will give a Sketching Workshop (materials required) |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
16/09/2022 20:45 |
Members observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for observing and imaging. |
Fairwood |
29/08/2022 20:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some views of Saturn close to opposition and Jupiter with the GRS well placed at 10pm. With the lack of moon we will also be able to look at some deep sky objects as well. |
Fairwood Observatory |
26/08/2022 20:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory at Fairwood next Friday 26th August from 8:30pm. There will be no moon, so if conditions live up to the forecast it should be an excellent opportunity for viewing and imaging many targets including Saturn and Jupiter at their best and a wealth of deep sky objects. As usual a weather update will be issued by 4pm on the day, so please check before travelling. |
Fairwood Observatory |
25/08/2022 7-15pm |
Imaging Hubble data Paul Howat will talk on: "Imaging Hubble data" |
Online only, Zoom |
19/08/2022 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to an observing and imaging evening on Friday 19th of August from 9 pm until late. We expect to see Saturn just past opposition and Jupiter if the weather holds, plus with the moon not rising until later, there’s an opportunity to see one or two deep sky objects as well. As usual weather updates will be provided on WhatsApp by 4 pm on the day so please check this before travelling. |
Fairwood Observatory |
11/08/2022 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Perseid Meteor observing Members are invited to attend Fairwood for the annual Perseid meteor viewing. Please bring your deck chairs and enjoy this summer event. We will also be using our scopes to look at the moon, Saturn, Jupiter and other objects, so it should be a good night. |
Fairwood Observatory |
06/08/2022 20:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some views of Mercury, the first quarter moon, Saturn, Jupiter and more. Conditions seem to be set fair with mild conditions, but a weather go/no-go call will be made on WhatsApp by 4pm, so please check before travelling. |
Fairwood Observatory |
28/07/2022 7-15pm |
Seeing a black hole with the Africa Millimetre Telescope Dr Rhodri Evans (Botswana) will give a talk on Seeing a black hole with the Africa Millimetre Telescope |
Online only, Zoom |
26/07/2022 21:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some observing and imaging from 9pm on Tuesday evening. Saturn will be rising before 10pm with the ISS passing over at 11:05pm. The moon will not visible which should make for some excellent viewing with ample opportunity for imaging into the night. A go/no-go weather call will be made on WhatsApp by 4pm, so please check before travelling. |
Fairwood Observatory |
22/07/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend The Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory at Fairwood for some solar observing from 7pm. If the skies remain clear we will also do some night time observing/imaging and celebrate the return of Saturn to our night skies (from 10:30 pm). Note that the moon doesn't rise until 00:45. A go/no-go weather update will be issued on WhatsApp by 4pm. |
Fairwood Observatory |
05/07/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood lunar observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some solar and lunar observing and imaging on Tuesday 5th July from 7pm. The almost first quarter moon should look spectacular even in daylight (the sun sets around 9:37pm). We should be able to view other objects once dark enough (the moon won't set until almost 1am on the 6th). Please check the website and WhatsApp for a go/no-go weather call by 4pm Tuesday before travelling. Warm clothing and a hot drink are advised. |
Fairwood Observatory |
30/06/2022 7-15pm |
Astrolabes and how to use them Dr Nik Whitehead will give a talk on Astrolabes and how to use them. |
Online only, Zoom |
06/06/2022 19:00 until late |
Observing and imaging of the Moon and the Sun Members are invited for some early evening solar viewing followed by some lunar imaging on Monday 6th June from 7pm. The Moon will be approaching first quarter which is one of the best times to observe it. We will be using the Triplet in its new enclosure as well as the LX200 which has recently been repaired and is now working optimally. We will also use the SolarMax Ha scope to view the Sun. |
Fairwood Observatory |
02/06/2022 7-15pm |
Pluto, followed by AGM Ian Robson will give a talk on 'Pluto' The AGM will be held after the lecture. |
Online only, Zoom |
05/05/2022 7-15pm |
Solar space projects and SOHO Dr Helen Mason will give a talk on 'Solar space projects and SOHO' |
Online only, Zoom |
21/04/2022 7:15pm |
'The Isaac Newton Telescope', followed by the AGM Howard Davies (SAS) will give a talk on 'The Isaac Newton Telescope' The AGM will be held afterwards |
Online only Zoom |
09/04/2022 20:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Looks like being a clear night tonight (Saturday 9th April), so this will be the last opportunity for some decent observing before the Moon becomes too much of a problem. All members interested in attending please come along from 8:30pm. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
08/04/2022 20:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Please note that this event has been CANCELLED due to weather forecast |
Fairwood Observatory |
07/04/2022 7-15pm |
The James Webb Space Telescope Andrew McLean (SAS) will give a talk on "The James Webb Space Telescope" |
Online only, Zoom |
02/04/2022 20:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend an observing and imaging session at the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory Fairwood on Saturday evening 2nd April from 8pm. It promises to be a clear night with no moon to interfere, but it will be chilly, so please wrap up warm and bring a hot drink along. Update 1pm: the weather looks to be clearing by nightfall, so this event is go for launch! |
Fairwood Observatory |
31/03/2022 20:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are welcome to attend a viewing and imaging evening at Fairwood on Thursday 31st March from 8pm. It is expected top be cool and breezy, with conditions improving as night falls with clear skies expected. This is a good chance for some deep sky observing and imaging as there is no moon to impact observations. We are all systems go for this event as conditions look great! |
Fairwood Observatory |
27/03/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging from 7pm. The unseasonably warm temperatures should make for some pleasant viewing conditions for a change, but a warm clothing and a hot drink are always a good idea. |
Fairwood Observatory |
25/03/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are welcome to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging from 7pm. Conditions look to be set fair, but will be in single figures, so warm clothing and a hot drink are advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
24/03/2022 7-15pm |
Astronomy in the Mediterranean Martin Lunn MBE FRAS will give a lecture entitled 'Astronomy in the Mediterranean' |
Online only, Zoom |
19/03/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood from 7 pm for some observing and imaging. The moon will be full however (rising at 8pm) so this will wash out many targets, but the moon of course will be a prime target. Conditions are set to be mild but there will be quite a wind making it feel chillier, so do dress appropriately and a hot drink is advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
10/03/2022 7:15pm |
Astroparticles Part 2: Multimessenger challenges Jeff Zorko (SAS) will give a talk on 'Astroparticles Part 2: Multimessenger challenges' |
Online only Zoom |
26/02/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are welcome to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging. Please dress warmly and a hot drink is also advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
24/02/2022 7:15pm |
Mobile astronomy in Portugal Paul Howat (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk entitled "Mobile Astronomy in Portugal" |
Online only Zoom |
22/02/2022 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging All members are welcome to attend Fairwood for observing and imaging from 7pm. Please wear warm clothing and bring a hot drink as it will be a chilly evening. |
Fairwood Observatory |
10/02/2022 7:15pm |
Infrared Astronomy Matt Griffin will give a talk entitled 'Infrared Astronomy' |
Online only Zoom |
04/02/2022 19:30 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Weather permitting members are invited to attend the observatory for some views of the crescent moon as it sets, before moving on to Uranus and some deep sky objects including the Great Orion nebula which should be well placed for observation. We are GO for this event! |
Fairwood Observatory |
27/01/2022 7-15pm |
Asterisms Jon Gale (SAS) will give a talk entitled 'Asterisms' |
Online only, Zoom |
13/01/2022 7:15pm |
Incoming! Preventing Earth-Asteroid Collisions Dr Nik Whitehead (Trinity St David) will give a talk entitled 'Incoming! Preventing Earth-Asteroid Collisions' |
Online only Zoom |
21/12/2021 15:00 until 18:00 |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, Comet Leonard and the Moon The forecast for this afternoon currently shows clear conditions coming earlier than expected and finishing by 5-7pm. Whilst this will reduce what we had hoped to observe, we still feel it is worthwhile attending, as comet Leonard has reportedly outburst to 10 times its previous brightness. This being the case, we are going over to Fairwood earlier than planned at around 3pm to set up and put the scope onto Venus to observe it as the sun goes down. The comet will be just below and to the left of Venus, so we will have the best opportunity of seeing it if it is bright enough as dusk descends. Due to the weather we are now expecting to finish by 6pm as it is forecast to be cloudy for the rest of the night, so please be aware of this if you were expecting to come for the evening. Members are welcome to attend from 3pm. Covid restrictions will be in place and please wrap up warm and bring a hot drink as it will be chilly. |
Fairwood Observatory |
16/12/2021 7:15pm |
Observing planetary nebulae Owen Brazzell will give a talk entitled 'Observing planetary nebulae' |
Online only Zoom |
02/12/2021 7:15pm |
Active galaxies and Black Holes Prof Ian Robson will give a talk entitled 'Active galaxies and Black Holes' |
Online only Zoom |
27/11/2021 16:00 until late |
Member's observing Clear (but windy) conditions are expected on Saturday evening, so We plan to open Fairwood (27 Nov) from 4pm for views of Venus as the sun sets before moving on to Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus. The skies are currently forecast to be partially clear from 4 to 6pm, and then totally clear until midnight. With the moon not rising until almost midnight, we should have several hours of dark sky conditions to enjoy. The great red spot on Jupiter will be at the centre of the planet at 17:30, so this should make for a fine sight in the LX200. There will also be two ISS passes to observe at 17:36 and 19:14. Please dress warmly as it will be very chilly in the brisk winds and bring along a warm drink. Please do check the website/emails/WhatsApp before heading off as the forecast can change. A weather update and a go/no-go will be issued by 12 noon Saturday. |
Fairwood Observatory |
23/11/2021 17:00 |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Event is postponed to next week due to weather forecast. |
Fairwood Observatory |
18/11/2021 7:15pm |
Stellar Evolution Part-2 Roger Pickard will give a talk entitled ' Stellar Evolution Part-2' |
Online only Zoom |
04/11/2021 7:15pm |
Using remote telescopes Peter Williamson will give a talk entitled 'Using remote telescopes' |
Online only Zoom |
04/11/2021 17:00 until late |
CANCELLED Observing and imaging plus live Zoom broadcast The weather has turned against us for tonight's planned observing and live Zoom meeting from Fairwood, so I'm afraid we will have to cancel this event. |
Fairwood Observatory |
21/10/2021 7:15pm |
Meteors : From Comet to Camera Dr Colin Steele will give a talk entitled 'Meteors : From Comet to Camera' |
Online only Zoom |
08/10/2021 19:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter and dark sky objects We will be opening Fairwood on Friday evening (8th Oct) from 7:30pm until late. All members are welcome. I hope to see you there. Regards, |
Fairwood Observatory |
07/10/2021 7:15pm |
Celestial Mechanics Paul Spurr wil give a talk on 'Celestial Mechanics' |
Online only Zoom |
05/10/2021 18:30 until late |
Members observing evening A clear night is currently forecast for Tuesday 5th October, so we will be opening Fairwood for members observing from 6:30pm. Jupiter and Saturn should look spectacular with the Great Red Spot being visible on the centre of Jupiter from sunset and Saturn’s rings will be wide open. There will be a very bright ISS pass at 7:22pm which will go below Saturn and Jupiter. As the moon is new we should have ideal conditions for looking at a selection of deep sky objects. Please dress warmly and bring a hot drink and observe Covid 19 restrictions. A go/no go call will be made by 4pm on the day, so please do check your email before setting off. |
Fairwood Observatory |
23/09/2021 19:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter the moon and other objects Fairwood will be open for members observing from 7:30 pm on Thursday 23rd September. Jupiter will be well placed after sunset with the Great Red Spot visible centrally along with Europa's shadow. Saturn should also look spectacular and when the moon rises we will get some amazing views of the waning gibbous phase before moving on to other targets. The weather looks pleasant, but a warm coat and a hot flask are always a good idea. Please check your email before travelling as a go/no go weather update will be sent by 4pm on the day. We look forward to seeing you there. |
Fairwood Observatory |
09/09/2021 7:15pm |
Crazy interstellar rockets Dr Julian Onions will give a talk on 'Crazy interstellar rockets' |
Online only Zoom |
06/09/2021 20:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter and other objects NB: This is in place of Tuesday the 7th September which is now cancelled due to the weather changing. As before please bring warm clothing and a hot drink as despite the balmy temperatures the evening air may be cooler. The slight haze that we have shouldn't be a problem for Jupiter or Saturn which should still look great through the scope. I hope to see those members who can make it later TONIGHT (Monday 6th September). |
Fairwood Observatory |
05/09/2021 18:30 until late |
Members observing evening A clear night is currently forecast for Tuesday 5th September, so we will be opening Fairwood for members observing from 6:30pm. Jupiter and Saturn should look spectacular with the Great armed Spot being visible on he centre of Jupiter from sunset and Saturn’s rings will be wide open. There will be a very bright ISS pass at 7:22pm which will go below Saturn and Jupiter. As the moon is new we should have ideal conditions for looking at a selection of deep sky objects. Please dress warmly and bring a hot drink and observe Covid 19 restrictions. A go/no go call will be made by 4pm on the day, so please do check your email before setting off. |
Fairwood Observatory |
26/08/2021 20:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter near opposition The weather looks good for this evening (Thursday 26 August) with early cloud clearing to leave clear conditions for the rest of the night We aim to start viewing after sunset which will be at 8:19pm, so we should see Venus in the twilight sky around then before moving on to Saturn, and then Jupiter which will look spectacular less than a week after opposition. The 80% illuminated moon rises at 10:06pm and that should also look sensational through the large scope. A few star clusters, nebulae and galaxies should also be visible before the moonlight gets too bright. It promises to be a good night in the mild Californian type conditions! As always though some warm clothing and a hot flask are recommended. |
Fairwood Observatory |
24/08/2021 20:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter near opposition This should be another good opportunity to catch Jupiter close to opposition and get some great views of Saturn and the gibbous moon too. The GRS should be visible on Jupiter from 22:45. Conditions look good but please dress accordingly and bring a hot flask as it can be quite cool. |
Fairwood Observatory |
15/08/2021 21:30 |
Observing and imaging runs of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter near opposition Clear conditions are expected from 10pm this evening (Sunday 15th August 2021), with excellent seeing predicted after midnight. We will be opening Fairwood from 9:30pm therefore for observing and imaging runs of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter amongst other objects. This will be the best opportunity to observe Jupiter close to opposition this year with the GRS in transit at 10:30pm. A final go/no-go weather decision will be made by 6pm this evening, so please do check your email before setting off. Conditions look pleasant enough, but some warm clothing and a hot flask are still advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
12/08/2021 7:15pm |
Observing the Solar System Howard Davies (SAS) will give a talk on 'Observing the Solar System' |
Online only Zoom |
15/07/2021 7:15pm |
A History of Women in Astronomy Mary McIntyre FRAS will talk on 'A History of Women in Astronomy”. Historically, astronomy has been very male-dominated. Throughout history there have been a number of trail-blazing women, such as Caroline Herschel, who worked to change that. But in addition there were countless less well known women who were doing astronomy. This talk is a celebration of women who worked in astronomy during different periods of history and some of the challenges they have faced. |
Online only Zoom |
17/06/2021 7.15pm |
Hours with the night sky Bob Mizon will give a talk entitled 'Hours with the night sky' |
20/05/2021 7.15pm |
Phosphine Gas in the Cloud Decks of Venus Dr David L Clements will tell us about some interesting developments around our sister planet In September 2020 a team of researchers led by Cardiff University and including Imperial College London released results that suggested the presence of phosphine, PH3, in the upper atmosphere of Venus. This was not expected. The conditions on Venus are not conducive to either the production or persistence of this molecule in its atmosphere. For it to be there, there must be an as-yet unknown source of phosphine. Suggested mechanisms include the possibility of anaerobic biology in the clouds of Venus - ie. it may be a sign of life. In this talk Dr Clements will look at how we got these results, provide updates on the very active discussion and reanalysis of our data, none of which have made our phosphine detections go away, and outline the next steps in our efforts to understand what is going on in the clouds of Venus. Dr David L Clements is a Reader in Astrophysics at Imperial College London. He is an observational astrophysicist largely specialising in extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology, but has recently branched out into astrobiology in our own Solar System, He has used many telescopes on the ground and in space, and has been heavily involved with both space missions, including the Herschel Space Observatory and the Planck mission. He also writes fiction and non-fiction. His first book was Infrared Astronomy: Seeing the Heat, published by CRC Press. His short fiction appears in numerous magazines and anthologies, with the first collection, Disturbed Universes, published by Newcon Press. |
06/05/2021 7.15pm |
AGM/Paul Pockington Short AGM followed by Paul Pocklington - 'Unusual Lunar Features' |
22/04/2021 7.15pm |
Voyager; Humanity’s Greatest Journey, Dr Garry E Hunt The Voyager mission to the outer planets and onward beyond the limits of our solar system must be considered the greatest journey by a messenger from the Earth. The mission was conceived more than half a century ago, started in 1972 and the two spacecraft were launched in 1977 on their once in a 176 year opportunity paths of discovery to the distant worlds never seen before. The far planets of Uranus and Neptune have never been seen close up since the Voyager 2 passed by more than thirty years ago. Voyager has been a major part of my life for more than fifty years as one of the original scientists elected by NASA in 1971. I will share with you my experiences and the insight into developing this incredible mission and the highlights of the countless discoveries which have rewritten the astronomy textbooks. Unaffected by Earth’s global pandemic, the Voyager spacecraft as still operating today as our space ambassadors. |
08/04/2021 7.15pm |
Comets (Nik Whitehead) Missions to comets and what they’ve taught us about the early solar system. |
25/03/2021 7.15pm |
Eclipse Chasing Chris Bowden will tell us about his chase after totality...since at least 1995! |
11/03/2021 7.15pm |
Astronomical cycles and climate change Internal and external factors influence Earth’s complex and ever changing climate over both the long and short term. In this talk Simon will discuss the importance of the various factors, particularly astronomical influences but also touching on concerns about the impact of human activity. |
25/02/2021 7.15pm |
Into the Cosmic Ocean - Andrew Lound The incomparable Andrew Lound will give us one of his dramatic lectures! |
11/02/2021 7.15pm |
Astroparticles: Cosmic Multiple Messengers Jeff Zorko will give part 1 of his talk on Astroparticles. Astroparticle Physics investigates the radiation emitted from the universe allowing us to probe distant and extreme astrophysical environments. In this talk Jeff will discuss some of the observed phenomena and the science lying behind the interpretation of this frontier science which is leading to some cutting edge discoveries |
28/01/2021 7.15pm |
A state of the Universe report - PROF CHRIS LINTOTT We are very excited that Professor Chris Lintott will be giving us a talk. "Our view of the Universe is changing, with new discoveries coming thick and fast, from possible signs of life in the clouds of Venus to mysterious explosions in the distant Universe. In this talk, astronomer Chris Lintott will draw on the latest discoveries and images of the Universe, bringing updates from the frontiers cosmology, the discovery of thousands of planets in other solar systems and from the search for life. With the pace of discovery set to increase even more rapidly in the decade to come, thanks to new telescopes and missions, this is the perfect time to check in on our understanding of the cosmos." This talk is (free) ticketed, members, please check your email for details |
14/01/2021 7.15pm |
Double Stars Howard Davies will give a talk on double stars |
17/12/2020 7.15pm |
Christmas Social + Quiz Bring your mulled wine and mince pies for our Christmas social and quiz and there will also be a SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT! Followed by a Committee meeting for committee members. |
10/12/2020 7.15pm |
The Star of Bethlehem Steve Tonkin will give us a talk entitled "The Star of Bethlehem". |
26/11/2020 7pm |
The Orion Project - Dr Nik Whitehead A look at this fascinating 1950s project for nuclear propulsion that eventually led to the space program |
12/11/2020 7pm |
Review of Astro Imaging Techniques - Alan Jefferis Getting into astro imaging and progressing to the next level covering camera to eyepiece, DSLR and camera lens, DSLR on telescope, video cam on telescope, Moon and planets, video cam on telescope - deep sky, pros and cons of CMOS and CCD, CCD came on telescope etc |
22/10/2020 7pm |
Stellar Evolution Part-1 Roger Pickard 'Stellar Evolution Part-1' - This talk will cover the evolution of Sun-like stars from birth from the Interstellar medium to death as it puffs off its outer layers in the form of an planetary nebula whilst the core slowly fades away as a white dwarf. |
08/10/2020 7pm |
Radio Astronomy Paul Spurr Radio Astronomy |
24/09/2020 7pm |
Rodinia and the Boring Billion James Fradgley "Rodinia and the Boring Billion” – a look at Earth’s geological and biological history, what that tells us about looking for life on planets, and a bit about exoplanets. |
28/05/2020 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Andrew Lound will give a dramatic lecture TBC Postponed |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
14/05/2020 7pm |
AGM Short Annual General Meeting followed by members' short talks Postponed |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
23/04/2020 |
Society Lecture Alwyn Wallace will give a talk entitled 'Night Sky Wonders: Landscape Astrophotography'. Postponed |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
09/04/2020 |
Society Lecture Chris Bowden (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Eclipse chasing'. Cancelled |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
26/03/2020 |
Society Lecture Cancelled |
12/03/2020 |
Society Lecture Tonight's lecture on Infrared Astronomy is cancelled |
29/02/2020 6pm to 9pm |
Star Party On Leap Year Day, Saturday 29th February, the Swansea Astronomical Society are giving a Star Party at the National Botanic Garden of Wales from 6pm to 9 pm This is your chance to take a leap into the outer reaches of the Solar System and beyond and, given clear skies, an excellent chance to view the Moon and Venus. Dr Simon Helan will be giving a talk on 'Asteroids' and there will be the usual hot drinks and other delights in the Med café in the Great Glasshouse. As usual we will operate a telescope clinic, so if want advice on choosing telescopes and binoculars, or you have a telescope and need to know how to use it , bring it along and we will help you as best we can. Admission is via the main gate, £3 for adults, free for children under 16. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
27/02/2020 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Simon Helan (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Asteroids'. |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
13/02/2020 7pm |
Society Lecture Prof Prem Kumar (Swansea University) will give a talk on "Wormholes, quantum entanglement and the Black Hole Information Loss paradox" |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
23/01/2020 7pm |
Society Lecture Maggie Collins (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on "The life and work of Annie Maunder" |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
18/01/2020 12 Noon to 4pm |
Amazing Astronomy Event More details as the event is finalised |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
09/01/2020 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Nik Whitehead (University of Wales, Trinity St David) will give a talk entitled "What's that planet doing there? A brief introduction to planetary system formation". |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
17/12/2019 18:00 - 23:59 |
Observing Session Its currently looking clear from 6 PM on Tuesday evening of 17 December, so with the moon not rising until 10:15 PM this is a good opportunity for some telescope time. All members are welcome to attend, so I look forward to seeing you there. |
Fairwood Observatory |
12/12/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Professor Steven Phillips of Bristol University will give a talk on 'Galaxies'. |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
06/12/2019 |
Cancellation of Observing Session Due to the weather changing adversely we are cancelling the planned observing session for the evening of the 6th December. We hope to be able to plan another lunar imaging and observing session once better conditions resume. |
Fairwood Observatory |
01/12/2019 16:00 - 23:00 |
Observing Session Conditions look very good for this coming Sunday evening, so all members are welcome to attend Fairwood Observatory for some fine views of the night sky. We should catch Jupiter and Venus as the sun sets around 4:10 pm and then Saturn and a splendid 5 day old moon before moving on to Uranus and Neptune and then some star clusters. The moon will set around 8:50 allowing us to turn our attention to viewing some deep sky objects. There'll also be a very bright ISS pass around 6:10 PM to enjoy too, so do come along as it promises to be a great night. Please remember to wrap up warm though as temperatures are expected to be around freezing, so a hot flask is advised. I look forward to seeing you there. |
Fairwood Observatory |
28/11/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Sarah Roberts (Cardiff University) will give a talk entitled 'Las Cumbres Robotic Telescope' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
18/11/2019 16:30 - 22:00 |
Observing Session Weather looks good for this evening, so will aim to get to Fairwood in time for some viewings from sunset onward. We may get a glimpse or two of Venus and Jupiter in the twilight before turning to Saturn, Uranus and Neptune and then moving on to some star clusters and deep sky objects. All being well we should have good seeing until the 70% moon rises about 9:45 pm. All members are welcome - do wrap up warm as temperatures are expected to be around 3 degrees C, so a hot flask is recommended. Look forward to seeing you there. |
Fairwood Observatory |
16/11/2019 6pm to 9pm |
Star Party The Swansea Astronomical Society are holding a Star Party at the National Botanic Garden of Wales on Saturday, Nov 16th from 6 pm to 9pm. With clear skies this is a chance to learn about the Autumn Constellations and Galaxies such as Andromeda (M31) and Triangulum (M33), and a host of other interesting objects. If you have a telescope and want help with it in any way, please bring it along and we will do our best to help. Entry is via the main gate, £3 or adults, free for under 5's. Refreshments available in the Med café. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
14/11/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Steve Lubbock of Barry Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled “Curiosities of the Autumn Skies†|
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
11/11/2019 12:00 - 16:30 |
Transit of Mercury viewing Weather at present looks reasonable to attempt a rare viewing of the planet Mercury crossing the face of the sun. The transit begins at 12:35 so we will use special white light filters and Hydrogen Alpha scopes to view the planet's journey across the face of the sun until the sun sets at 16:32 PM. All members are welcome to attend. |
Fairwood Observatory |
24/10/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Daryl Dobbs (Barry Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Deep sky observing in Cassiopeia' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
10/10/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Roger Pickard will give a talk entitled 'Variable Stars in Detail' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor) (Across the river from Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
19/09/2019 19:00 - 23:59 |
Observing Session All members are welcome to attend the planned observing session this coming Thursday. We will be setting up from 7 PM and should get nice views of Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon and other objects. The ISS will make a brief appearance at 21:11, fading out just below Saturn a minute later. |
Fairwood Observatory |
05/09/2019 19:00 - 22:30 |
Observing Session Looks clear until around 10 PM, so we aim to meet to set up around 7 PM to calibrate the scope and attempt some CCD imaging and observing of Jupiter, Saturn and some deep sky objects. All members are welcome to attend. |
Fairwood Observatory |
01/09/2019 19:00 - 23:59 |
Observing Session Forecast currently looks good, so we will aim to set up at 7 PM ~ 1 hour before sunset for some observing/imaging of Jupiter/Saturn and hopefully some deep sky objects too. All members are most welcome to attend. |
Fairwood Observatory |
28/08/2019 20:15 - 23:59 |
Observing Session Members are welcome for an observing session with targets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Aquilla, Scutum and more. Basic maintenance and setting up from around 19:00. Sunset will be at 20:11 and observing will continue until midnight (weather permitting). |
Fairwood Observatory |
02/08/2019 20:30 - 23:59 |
ISS Lunar Transit & general observing Attempt at viewing/imaging the ISS transiting the thin crescent moon visible low down in the NW as the sun is setting at 20:58. This will be followed by telescope viewing of night sky objects until around midnight (weather permitting). |
Fairwood Observatory |
20/07/2019 All day and evening |
Lunar and solar observing event On Saturday July 20th 2019 it will be 50 years since Neil Armstrong first set foot on the Moon. In celebration of this the Swansea Astronomical Society is holding an event at the National Botanic Garden of Wales. There will be slide shows and talks about both the Sun and the Moon during the morning and the afternoon. In addition, weather permitting, there will be opportunities to safely observe the Sun. Normal entry fees to the Garden apply, the event itself is free. |
National Botanic Gardens of Wales |
23/05/2019 7pm |
AGM Annual General Meeting |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
23/05/2019 9-30pm |
Observing session If the weather stays fine, Howard Davies will open the observatory for members' observing after the AGM is finished. |
Fairwood observatory |
09/05/2019 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Dr Vaibhav Tiwari, Research Associate 'Gravitational Physics Group, School of Physics and Astronomy Cardiff University will talk to the Society. |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
09/05/2019 9-30pm |
Observing session If the weather is clear, Howard Davies will open the observatory after the society meeting. |
Fairwood observatory |
25/04/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Jane Clark will give a lecture on " Mapping the Solar System from your backyard " |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
11/04/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Nik Whitehead (University of Wales Trinity Saint David) will give a talk entitled "The Physics of The Impossible". |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
31/03/2019 3 |
test test - please ignore |
28/03/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Howard Davies (Swansea Astronomical Society Chairman) will give a talk entitled 'In search of Ancient Astronomers' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
26/03/2019 7pm |
Observing session There will be an observing session if the sky stays clear. For insurance reasons, use of the observatory is for SAS members only. |
Fairwood observatory |
14/03/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Prof Mike Edmunds (Emeritus Professor Cardiff University) will give a lecture entitled 'Astronomy in an Age of Revolutions: The Foundation and Founders of the Royal Astronomical Society 1820' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
28/02/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Sarah Roberts, (Swansea University) will give a talk on The Faulkes Telescope |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
16/02/2019 6pm - 9pm |
Star Party The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting a Star Party, in partnership with Swansea Astronomical Society and AstroCymru, with astronomy activities from 6.00pm to 9.00pm. Stargazing through telescopes (weather permitting) plus talks and telescope advice clinics in the Great Glasshouse; with food and drink available from the Med Cafe. If you have a telescope and need help using it please bring it along. There’ll also be a 3D Cinema and astronomy artefacts, where visitors can handle objects dating from the birth of our solar system. Entry via the main gate. The Star Party costs £3 per child. Accompanying adults are free but donations are welcomed. A family ticket is £6 (2 adults and up to 4 children). ‘Unaccompanied’ adults cost £3. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
14/02/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Katherine Dooley, (Cardiff University’s School of Physics and Astronomy), a Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow and winner of the prestigious Philip Leverhulme Prize will give a talk entitled 'Listening to the universe: the new era of gravitational-wave astronomy.' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
04/02/2019 6:30 |
Observing session for members The observing session is on. |
Observatory |
28/01/2019 6-30 pm |
Observing session CANCELLED due to poor forecast If the weather is fine, Howard will open the observatory for an observing session. Watch this space for updates. |
Observatory |
24/01/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Martin Griffiths of Dark Sky Wales will give a talk on "Messier and the Messier Objects" |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
13/01/2019 2pm |
Space travel talk Andrew Lound will give a dramatic lecture entitled "Apollo: A Moon Odyssey" |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
12/01/2019 2pm-9pm |
Amazing Astronomy Saturday Embrace the time of year when our skies are at their darkest, with a full programme to inspire, inform and celebrate all things astronomical. Featuring: Hands on advice from Swansea Astronomical Society and other South Wales Astronomical Societies Telescope Clinic 3D space films Cosmic Crafts Meteorite display. Replicas of Galileo’s and Newton’s telescopes A whistle stop Steller Star Dome tour This year’s event will continue into the evening with the chance to stargaze in our courtyard garden (clouds permitting). Cost Free Suitability All |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
10/01/2019 7pm |
Society Lecture Howard Davies (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk entitled 'Globular star clusters'. |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
13/12/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Nick Hart of Cardiff and Barry Astronomical Societies will give a talk entitled 'Broadband, Narrowband' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
22/11/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Maggie Collins of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk on 'The Life and work of Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin' |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
17/11/2018 6pm - 9pm |
Stargazing Evening The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting a Star Party, in partnership with Swansea Astronomical Society and AstroCymru, with astronomy activities from 6.00pm to 9.00pm on Saturday, November 17th Stargazing through telescopes (weather permitting) plus talks and telescope advice clinics in the Great Glasshouse; with food and drink available from the Med Cafe. If you have a telescope and need help using it please bring it along. There’ll also be a 3D Cinema and astronomy artefacts, where visitors can handle objects dating from the birth of our solar system. Entry via the main gate. The Star Party costs £3 per child. Accompanying adults are free but donations are welcomed. A family ticket is £6 (2 adults and up to 4 children). ‘Unaccompanied’ adults cost £3. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
08/11/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Nik Whitehead (University of Wales, Trinity St David) will give a talk on the practicalities of terraforming Venus |
Technium 2 (Ground Floor), SA1 (opposite Sainsbury's - SA1 8PH) |
28/10/2018 7pm |
Stargazing Evening Suitability Adults A stellar evening for all beginners and enthusiasts, including telescope tips and 3D film presentations. Meet with South Wales Astronomical Societies who will provide telescope tips and knowledge and enjoy 3D film presentations with Astrocymru. |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
25/10/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Simon Helan (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a lecture entitled “Pluto, the Kuiper Belt and New Horizons†|
Trallwn Community Centre, Bethel Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9QP |
11/10/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Ian Miller will give a lecture on the Furzehill Observatory |
Trallwn Community Centre, Bethel Road, Llansamlet, Swansea SA7 9QP |
04/08/2018 11am to 4pm |
Solar Day The Swansea Astronomical Society will be at the Garden to safely observe the Sun and talk to members of the public. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
19/06/2018 10 am to 8pm |
Space Science & Technology Day The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting a Space Science & Technology day for KS2 & KS3 students who are MAT or interested in space and science and technology, and the Swansea Astronomical Society will, weather permitting, be Solar observing. |
The National Botanic Garden of Wales |
24/05/2018 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Andrew Lound. (Odyssey Dramatic Presentations) will give a talk on "Venus, Paradise Lost." |
Seminar Room 3 Fulton House, University of Swansea |
10/05/2018 7pm |
Annual General Meeting Society AGM |
Lecture Room A Fulton House, University of Swansea |
26/04/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Roger Pickard (British Astronomical Asociation) will give a talk entitled 'Variable Stars'. |
Room West Fulton House, University of Swansea |
12/04/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Dave Powell (Barry Astronomical Society) will give a talk entitled 'Meteorite falls in Wales' |
Seminar Room 3 Fulton House, University of Swansea |
23/03/2018 6-30pm |
Star Party Due to an unfavourable weather forecast, this event is CANCELLED! Swansea Astronomical Society will give a star party with telescopes viewing the night sky, a talk on telescopes and an exhibition |
Swansea Airport |
22/03/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Prof Chris Allton (Swansea University) will give a talk on "Neutron Stars and other Extreme Matter". |
Lecture Room A Fulton House, University of Swansea |
08/03/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Frazer Lewis (Faulkes Telescope) will give a talk entitled 'What has Astronomy done for us?' |
Room West Fulton House, University of Swansea |
24/02/2018 6-30pm to 9pm |
Star Party Stargazing through telescopes plus talks and telescope advice clinics in the Great Glasshouse; with food and drink available from the Med Cafe. The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting a Star Party, in partnership with Swansea Astronomical Society and AstroCymru, with astronomy activities from 6.30pm to 9.30pm. 3D Cinema & astronomy artefacts, handle objects dating from the birth of our solar system. The Star Party costs £3 per child. Accompanying adults are free but donations are welcomed. A family ticket is £6 (2 adults and up to 4 children). For guides/scouts/brownies/cubs etc. groups, the cost for the Star Party is £3 per child, with accompanying adults free. Castor & Pollux, Sirius, Capella, Procyon should all be visible We will also use Orion to star hop so we can find the Pleiades and there should be good views of the Moon, weather permitting. While the stargazing is weather dependent we will be able to run activities inside the Great Glass House if the weather is poor. A talk on binoculars will also be given. Unaccompanied’ adults cost £3. If you have a telescope which you need help with please bring it along. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
22/02/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Bob Owens (National Museum of Wales) will give a talk entitle 'The Geology of Mars' |
Room West Fulton House, University of Swansea |
18/02/2018 7pm |
Observing session Observing is cancelled due to unfavourable weather forecast. |
Fairwood Observatory |
17/02/2018 7pm |
Observing session Observing is cancelled due to unfavourable weather forecast. |
Fairwood Observatory |
08/02/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Steve Wainwright FRAS (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'The Science of Solar Observing' |
Lecture Room A Fulton House, University of Swansea |
27/01/2018 2pm |
Public Astronomy Lecture Andrew Lound will give a talk entitled "GUARDIANS OF THE RINGS - SATURN'S MOONS" Everyone is welcome. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
26/01/2018 6-30pm |
Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society in association with Barry and Port Talbot astronomical societies, will give a star party with telescopes viewing the night sky, a talk, children's activities and an exhibition. This will go ahead rain or shine and telescopes will be available for people to see in the main hall if the weather does not allow viewing of the night sky. Talk to society members about what it means to be a member of an astronomical society. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
25/01/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Howard Davies (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk entitled 'Open Star Clusters'. |
Seminar Room 3, Fulton House, University of Swansea |
11/01/2018 7pm |
Society Lecture Roger Davies (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Stonehenge'. |
Seminar Room 3, Fulton House, University of Swansea |
25/12/2017 10pm |
Observing Session There will be NO observing session on Christmas Day by special request of Santa. It is suggested that you bring your new telescope to the next Member Observing Session. |
Fairwood Observatory |
18/12/2017 6:30 |
Observing Session Cancelled This session is cancelled due to clouds coming in. The forecast is favourable this evening, so Howard Davies will be opening the observatory at 6:30pm. Wear warm clothing if you attend. |
Fairwood Airport Observatory |
14/12/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Dr Steve Wainwright FRAS of Swansea Astronomical Society will give a lecture on 'Bridge Camera Astronomy' |
Lecture Room 2, Fulton House, University of Swansea |
25/11/2017 6-30pm to 9pm |
Star Party The National Botanic Garden of Wales is hosting a Star Party, in partnership with Swansea Astronomical Society and AstroCymru, with afternoon astronomy activities from 2pm until 5:30pm, and the Star Party from 6pm until 10pm. Afternoon astronomy activities cost £3 per child, with a Meteors & Maths (age approx. 8+) workshop running for half an hour starting at 2pm, 3pm ,4pm & 5pm. Rocket making and D2E sessions with AstroCymru will run from 2pm till 5:30pm. The Star Party at 6pm costs £3 per child, if they have paid for the afternoon activities there won’t be a need to pay again. Accompanying adults are free but donations are welcomed. A family ticket is £6 (2 adults and up to 4 children). For guides/scouts/brownies/cubs etc. groups, the cost for the Star Party is £3 per child, with accompanying adults free. We will be able to explore the Moon, just past its first quarter and, if we are lucky, we might see Uranus & Neptune. We will also use Orion to star hop so we can find the Pleiades. While the stargazing is weather dependant we will be able to run activities inside the Great Glass House if the weather is poor. Food and drink will be available in the Med Café. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
23/11/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Prof Prem Kumar, Swansea University Physics department will give a lecture entitled ``Emergent gravity , dark energy and dark matter’' |
Lecture Room 2, Fulton House, University of Swansea |
09/11/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Dr Chris North, Sky at Night astronomer from Cardiff University will give a lecture on 'Telescopes Through the Ages' |
Lecture Room 2, Fulton House, University of Swansea |
27/10/2017 6-30pm |
Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society will give a star party with telescopes viewing the night sky, a talk and an exhibition of telescopes |
Swansea Airport |
26/10/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Jon Laver FRAS of Bridgend Astronomical Society will give a talk on Meteors |
Fulton House, University of Swansea |
12/10/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Nick Lewis FRAS of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled 'Following the Saros'. A lecture about eclipses. |
Fulton House, University of Swansea |
12/08/2017 9:30pm |
Perseid meteor watch The aim of the session is to observe Perseid meteors. However other observing will also take place. |
Fairwood observatory at Swansea Airport |
25/05/2017 7pm |
Fulton House Room West |
11/05/2017 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Andrew Lound will give a lecture entitled 'Mercury A Relative Planet' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
28/04/2017 test |
test test |
test |
27/04/2017 7pm |
Society Lecture Brian Spinks of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled 'Binoculars' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
13/04/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Howard Davies, Chairman of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled 'The Science of the Apollo Moon Landings.' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
23/03/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Prof Paul Roche of Cardiff University will give a lecture entitled 'Gaia: surveying the Milky Way' |
Fulton House Room West |
09/03/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Nick Hart of Cardiff Astronomical Society will give a talk. The title of Nick's talk is "Under City Skies". |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
03/03/2017 7pm to 9pm |
Star Party View the Night Sky through telescopes with members of Swansea Astronomical Society. At a Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society Members' Telescopes are made available for visitors to look through. Visitors to the star party can have advice on Telescopes and their questions can be answered. There will also be one ore more members of the Society giving Astronomy Talks. |
Swansea Airport |
02/03/2017 7pm |
Swansea Airport |
23/02/2017 7pm |
Society Lecture Martin Griffiths of Dark Sky Wales will give a talk. The talk will be on 'Astronomy and Philosophy.' It will be an examination of how astronomy has changed our perception of ourselves and society in history and driven science and its impact with its major discoveries: the big bang, our milky way home and the Heliocentric hypothesis. |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
09/02/2017 7pm |
Society lecture Dr Rhodri Evans of Cardiff University will talk on 'The Event Horizon Telescope - Imaging the Galaxy's Supermassive Black Hole' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
03/02/2017 7pm to 9pm |
Star Party View the Night Sky through telescopes with members of Swansea Astronomical Society. At a Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society Members' Telescopes are made available for visitors to look through. Visitors to the star party can have advice on Telescopes and their questions can be answered. There will also be one ore more members of the Society giving Astronomy Talks. |
National Botanic Gardens for Wales |
26/01/2017 7 pm |
Society lecture Andrew Sprott of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled 'the Antikythera mechanism.' |
Fulton House Room West |
14/01/2017 2 pm. |
Lecture by Andrew Lound A talk by Andrew Lound entitled 'Out Of The Darkness'. This talk is about the history of the observation of Pluto and Kuiper Belt objects to the present day. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
13/01/2017 7pm to 9pm |
Star Party View the Night Sky through telescopes with members of Swansea Astronomical Society. At a Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society Members' Telescopes are made available for visitors to look through. Visitors to the star party can have advice on Telescopes and their questions can be answered. There will also be one ore more members of the Society giving Astronomy Talks. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
12/01/2017 7 pm |
Society lecture Jim Collins of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled 'The Big Bang - Fact or Fiction' |
Fulton House Room West |
01/01/2017 test |
test test |
test |
08/12/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Prof Mike Disney of Cardiff University will give a talk on 'Dark Galaxies' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
24/11/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Astronomy Quiz night Alison and Phillip John will present a light hearted astronomical quiz suitable for all members. |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
19/11/2016 6pm |
Star Party All Day, 'Plants in Space' followed by a Star Party. Further details to come View the Night Sky through telescopes with members of Swansea Astronomical Society. At a Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society Members' Telescopes are made available for visitors to look through. Visitors to the star party can have advice on Telescopes and their questions can be answered. There will also be one ore more members of the Society giving Astronomy Talks. |
National Botanic Gardens for Wales |
10/11/2016 7pm |
Society lecture Prof Mike Disney of Cardiff University will give a talk on 'Dark Galaxies' |
Fulton House Lecture Room 2 |
27/10/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Prof Mike Edmunds of Cardiff University will give a lecture on "The Great Quasar Debate 1963 - 1986." looking at the story of how quasars were discovered, and more importantly, how astronomers worked out what they were. This is a story in which Prof Edmunds played a part. |
Fulton House |
13/10/2016 7pm |
Society lecture Dr Rhodri Evans of Cardiff University will give a lecture entitled "Overthrowing Newton - Proving Einstein right" |
Fulton House |
07/10/2016 7pm to 9pm |
Star Party THIS EVENT HAS BEEN CANCELLED View the Night Sky through telescopes with members of Swansea Astronomical Society. At a Star Party Swansea Astronomical Society Members' Telescopes are made available for visitors to look through. Visitors to the star party can have advice on Telescopes and their questions can be answered. There will also be one ore more members of the Society giving Astronomy Talks. |
Swansea Airport |
31/07/2016 11am - 4-30pm |
Solar Observing Day Observe the Sun Safely with Swansea Astronomical Society. Visitors will be able to observe the sun in safety by using Swansea Astronomical Society members' special solar telescopes. NEVER OBSERVE THE SUN THROUGH A TELESCOPE OR BINOCULARS UNLESS THEY ARE FITTED WITH PROPER SOLAR FILTERS. DO NOT IMPROVISE, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR SIGHT. One or more members of the society will give talks. |
National Botanic Gardens for Wales |
26/05/2016 7 pm |
AGM AGM of the Swansea Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
12/05/2016 7 pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Andrew Lound will give the lecture entitled "A Jupiter Odyssey." |
Fulton House |
28/04/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Howard Davies will give a short presentation on the Spring and early Summer Night Sky, followed by the main speaker; Margaret Collins of the Swansea Astronomical Society who will give a lecture on 'Harvard's lady computers - the women who classified the stars' |
Fulton House |
14/04/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Dave Powell MBE will give a talk on 'Observing Meteors' |
Fulton House |
24/03/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Bob Mizon will give a talk entitled "7 Moons." A look at some odd facts about seven intriguing moons of the solar system. |
Fulton House |
18/03/2016 7 pm to 9pm |
Star Party Come to look through telescopes, hear an astronomical talk and see an astronomical exhibition by the Swansea Astronomical Society. |
Swansea Airport |
10/03/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Dr Nik Whitehead of Swansea Astronomical Society and Trinity St Davids University will give a lecture entitled "Getting to grips with the Multiverse." |
Fulton House |
25/02/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Prof Matt Griffin, Head of the School of Astronomy and Physics, Cardiff University will give a lecture on 'Looking at the atmospheres of extra solar planets.' |
Fulton House |
20/02/2016 6 pm to 9pm |
Star Party Join members of the Swansea Astronomical Society for an evening of stargazing at the National Botanic Garden for Wales. There will be an astronomical exhibition, telescopes and astronomy talks even if the weather is inclement. |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
11/02/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Prof Prem Kumar (Swansea University Physics) will give a lecture on "Black Holes and Quantum Gravity". |
Fulton House |
28/01/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Howard Davies will give a short talk on the Winter night sky. Dr Ivonne Zavala Carrasco (Swansea University Physics) will give a lecture on "Cosmology." |
Fulton House |
23/01/2016 2pm |
Dramatic Space lecture Andrew Lound will give a Dramatic Lecture entitled Britannia Sky, sponsored by the Planetary Society. Contrary to popular belief, Britain has played a vital role in spaceflight history. Scientists, engineers, industry, academia and learned societies have all led the way in their respective fields. The withered hand of successive governments has hampered an independent or more dynamic British space programme. In this remarkable presentation, the history of Britain in space is examined in context, with due credit being paid to those who have tried to push Britain skyward. Accompanied by historic images, movie clips and music, this will be a presentation to make one proud to be British and to wonder what it might actually be like when we sit under a Britannia sky. If the weather is fine, members of the Swansea Astronomical Society will be demonstrating solar telescopes and an an astronomical exhibition will be given. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
22/01/2016 7 pm to 9pm |
Astronomical stargazing Evening Join members of the Swansea Astronomical Society for an evening of stargazing at the Waterfront Museum. There will be an astronomical exhibition, telescopes and astronomy talks even if the weather is inclement. |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
14/01/2016 7 pm |
Society lecture Brian Stokes will give a lecture entitled "Our Nearest Neighbour." |
Fulton House |
10/12/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture Phillip John will give a short, topical astronomy quiz. Dr Steve Wainwright (SAS) will give a talk on 'Cosmic Distances' |
Fulton House |
05/12/2015 2pm |
Christmas Lecture Andrew Lound will give a dramatic lecture on "The Grand Tour of the Solar system". |
Waterfront Museum Swansea |
26/11/2015 7 pm |
Society lecture Brian Stokes (SAS) will give a talk entitled 'This Wonderful World and Universe'. |
Fulton House |
20/11/2015 6 pm to 9pm |
Star Party Come and view the night sky through telescopes with the Swansea Astronomical Society. There will also be an astronomical talk and a small astronomical exhibition |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
12/11/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture: Solar Terrestrial Interactions Jon Laver FRAS of Bridgend Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled "Solar-terrestrial Interactions". Before Jon's talk, Howard Davies will give a short talk on the Autumn Constellations. |
Fulton House |
30/10/2015 7 pm to 9pm |
Star Party, Dark Sky Astronomy Evening Join Swansea, Cardiff and Port Talbot Astronomical Societies at Glyncorrwg Ponds Dark Sky Discovery Site for an evening of deep sky stargazing. The cafe will be open at the start of the evening for refreshments. There will be an astronomical exhibition, an astronomy talk and, if the weather permits,observation of star clusters, galaxies and nebulae through astronomical telescopes. Find Glyncorrwg Ponds Visitor Centre on Google Maps. About 20 miles, easy drive from Swansea. |
Glyncorrwg Ponds Dark Sky Discovery Site Visitor Centre |
23/10/2015 7 pm to 9pm |
Star Party Come to look through telescopes, hear an astronomical talk and see an astronomical exhibition by the Swansea Astronomical Society. |
Swansea Airport |
22/10/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture: Black Holes, White Holes and Wormholes Dr Nik Whitehead of the Swansea Astronomical Society and The University of Wales Trinity Saint David, will give a lecture entitled "Black Holes, White Holes and Worm Holes" |
Fulton House |
08/10/2015 7 pm |
Society lecture Alison and Phillip John will present a light hearted astronomical quiz night suitable for all members Also a short talk on "The Summer of the SAS" by Dr. Steve Wainwright. |
Fulton House |
28/05/2015 7pm |
AGM Annual General Meeting |
Fulton House |
14/05/2015 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture - Andy Lound, "Lord of the Rings" Andrew Lound will give the lecture entitled "Saturn-Lord of the Rings" |
Fulton House |
23/04/2015 7pm |
Society lecture: Tower of Babel Prof Hugh Jones (SAS) will give a short talk entitled "The thermonuclear Tower of Babel", an update on fusion. This will be followed by a short astronomical quiz. |
Fulton House |
09/04/2015 7pm |
Society lecture - Variable Stars/Mary Bruck Two short talks by Howard Davies and Dr. Steve Wainwright of the Swansea Astronomical Society. The talks will be on: "The variable star AE Aquarius" (HD) and "Mary Bruck, an illustrious pioneer" (SJW). |
Fulton House |
27/03/2015 6-30 to 9pm |
Star Party Members of the Swansea Astronomical Society will put on an exhibition and show visitors the night sky through a variety of telescopes. An astronomical talk will be given. |
Swansea Airport |
26/03/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture: Copernicus Paul Bessette will give a talk entitled "Another look at Copernicus" |
Fulton House |
20/03/2015 7pm-9pm |
Solar Eclipse day and Evening Star PartyStargazing Evening Fri 20 March, 7pmJoin the Swansea Astronomical Society and friends for a special springtime evening to celebrate the stargazing live season. The team will guide you through how to use a telescope. No experience is necessary. There will also be plenty of in-house activity including fun kids crafts and special 3D film screenings to launch you to the stars and back. In partnership with the Swansea Astronomical Society Free, Part of British Science Week |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
12/03/2015 7pm |
Society lecture: Data Mining for Astronomy/Future Astronomers Two short talks by Dr Nik Whitehead and Brian Stokes of the Swansea Astronomical Society. The topics will be: "Data mining in astronomical data sets" (NW) and "Tutoring our future astronomers" (BS) |
Fulton House |
27/02/2015 6-30 to 9pm |
Star Party Members of the Swansea Astronomical Society will show visitors the night sky through their telescopes. An astronomical talk and an exhibition will also be given. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
26/02/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture: Solar Eclipses Margaret Collins (SAS) will give a lecture entitled "Solar Eclipses past, present and future". |
Fulton House |
12/02/2015 7pm |
Society lecture: Astroimaging with Nick Hart Nick Hart will give two short talks on "The dark skies of the Wild West" and, "CCD imaging under light polluted skies". |
Fulton House |
22/01/2015 7pm |
Society Lecture: Joseph Harris of Brecon 18th Century Astronomer Martin Griffiths of the University of South Wales will give a lecture on "Joseph Harris of Breconshire, Astronomer and Assay Master of the Mint in the 18th century". |
Fulton House |
08/01/2015 7pm |
Society lecture - Sunspots and Weather Brian Spinks (SAS) will give a lecture entitled "Sunspots and Weather" |
Fulton House |
13/12/2014 2pm |
Christmas Lecture - Tunguska Event Andrew Lound will give the traditional SAS Christmas Lecture: In 1908 a fireball raced through the deep blue skies of northern Russia, ending with a massive explosion. Witnessed by numerous people, this event became known as one of the greatest mysteries of the 20th century. The name "Tunguska" has conjured up thoughts of alien spacecraft, black holes, antimatter and fear, when 2150 square kilometres of Siberian forest were laid waste in a blinding instant by an explosion 1000 times as powerful as the Hiroshima bomb. In this dramatic telling of the Tunguska story brought up to date with the latest research, the whole incident is investigated with rare images, video and a dramatic, entertaining performance. Will you ever feel safe again? |
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
11/12/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture - Star of Bethlehem Dr S.J. Wainwright will give a lecture on "The Astronomy of the Star of Bethlehem". |
Fulton House |
28/11/2014 6-30 to 9pm |
Star Party Members of the Swansea Astronomical society will show visitors the night sky through their telescopes. An astronomical talk and an exhibition will also be given. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
27/11/2014 7pm |
Astronomy Quiz night Alison and Phil John will present an Astronomical Quiz. |
Fulton House |
13/11/2014 7pm |
Society lecture Jon Laver from Bridgend Astronomical Society will give a talk entitled "Not much Middle at all!", about the death and birth of stars. |
Fulton House |
31/10/2014 6-30 to 9pm |
Star Party Members of the Swansea Astronomical Society will put on an exhibition and show visitors the night sky through a variety of telescopes. An astronomical talk will be given and refreshments will be available in the airport cafe. |
Swansea Airport |
23/10/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Nik Whitehead of Swansea Metropolitan University will give a lecture on "Dark Matter". |
Fulton House |
10/10/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Rhodri Evans of Cardiff University will give a lecture entitled "Discovering the Cosmic Microwave Background - missed opportunities and mistakes". |
Fulton House |
24/05/2014 11am to 4pm |
Solar Day Observe the Sun safely with a variety of equipment and in various wavelengths of light. 12pm Brian Stokes will give a talk on "The Birth, Life and Death of the Sun". 2pm Mark Kerr will give a talk on "Astronavigation". Both talks will be in the Theatr Botanica |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |
23/05/2014 7pm |
AGM Annual General Meeting of the Swansea Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
09/05/2014 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Andrew Lound will give a lecture entitled "Calling the Cosmos" |
Fulton House |
25/04/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Nik Whitehead, Swansea Metropolitan University will give a lecture entitled: 'Timekeeping on Mars - the development of an astronomically based calendar for a future Mars colony' |
Fulton House |
11/04/2014 7pm |
Society lecture Prof Mike Edmunds, Cardiff University will give a lecture entitled 'Constructing the Mechanical Universe' |
Fulton House |
28/03/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Prof Paul Roche, University of South Wales, will give a lecture entitled "Massive Collisions in the Solar System" |
Fulton House |
22/03/2014 7pm - 9pm |
Star Party See the night Sky through telescopes. Listen to astronomical talks and take refreshments in the Activity Centre cafe. |
Garnswllt Activity Centre, Heol Y Mynydd, Garnswllt, Ammanford, Swansea, SA18 2SE |
14/03/2014 7pm |
Society lecture Peter Wise will give a lecture on 'A brief history of the Telescope, from the Bronze Age to the Space Age' |
Fulton House |
08/03/2014 6-30pm to 9-0pm |
Star Party See the night Sky through telescopes. Listen to an astronomical talk and take refreshments in the Airport Cafe. |
Swansea Airport |
28/02/2014 7pm |
Society lecture Alison and Phillip John (SAS) will give a talk entitled 'The importance of astronomy to the ancient Egyptians' |
Fulton House |
14/02/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Margaret Collins of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a lecture entitled 'Citizen Science: a Zoo of Galaxies and other Beasts' |
Fulton House |
08/02/2014 6-30pm to 9-0pm |
Star Party See the night Sky through telescopes. Listen to an astronomical talk and take refreshments. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
24/01/2014 test |
test Observe the Sun safely with a variety of equipment and in various wavelengths of light. 12pm Brian Stokes will give a talk on The Birth, Life and Death of the Sun 2pm Mark Kerr will give a talk on Astronavigation Both talks will be in the Theatr Botanica |
test |
24/01/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Steve Wainwright, SAS will give a lecture entitled 'A basic introduction to Astrophotography' |
Fulton House |
18/01/2014 7pm |
Star Party The Swansea Astronomical Society will be holding a Star Party in partnership with the Waterfront Museum. Look at the night sky through telescopes. There will be a lecture and also refreshments. |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
10/01/2014 7pm |
Society Lecture Martin Griffiths, University of South Wales will give a talk entitled 'Star Clusters' |
Fulton House |
13/12/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Nick Hart of Cardiff Astronomical Society will give a lecture entitled 'Astrophotography: Staying put and On the move' |
Fulton House |
08/12/2013 2pm |
Christmas Lecture Andrew Lound will again give the Swansea Astronomical Society Christmas Lecture entitled 'Comets, Signposts in History'. This lecture is particularly timely this year in view of the appearance of Comets Lovejoy and Ison in the November and possibly December night skies. |
Swansea Waterfront Museum |
29/11/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Clare Dobbs of Exeter University will give a lecture entitled 'The Evolution of Giant Molecular Clouds' |
Fulton House |
15/11/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr. John Birks of the Swansea Astronomical Society will give a lecture entitled " John Flamsteed - the First Astronomer Royal, 1646-1719" |
Fulton House |
09/11/2013 6-30pm to 9-0pm |
Star Party See the night Sky through telescopes. Listen to an astronomical talk and take refreshments. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
25/10/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Rhodri Evans of Cardiff University will give a lecture entitled 'The Mount Wilson Observatory' |
Fulton House |
12/10/2013 6-30pm to 9-0pm |
Star Party The Swansea Astronomical Society will be holding a Star Party. Look at the night sky through telescopes. There will be a lecture and also refreshments. |
Lliw Valley Reservoir |
11/10/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Dr Steve Wainwright will give a lecture entitled 'A year of the Swansea Astronomical Society' |
Fulton House |
14/09/2013 6-30pm to 9-0pm |
Star Party See the night Sky through telescopes. Listen to an astronomical talk and take refreshments in the newly refurbished Airport Cafe. |
Swansea Airport |
26/05/2013 All day |
Solar Day As part of the Hobbies weekend, the Swansea Astronomical Society will be presenting a day of safe solar observation using a variety of safe solar telescopes. There will also be a lecture and exhibition. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
24/05/2013 7pm |
AGM Annual General Meeting |
Fulton House |
10/05/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'John Goodricke, The Astronomer who could neither hear nor speak – My Hero' Dave Powell MBE Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
26/04/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Jim's search for the Truth' Jim Collins Swansea Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
12/04/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Wherefore Art Thou?' Brian Stokes Swansea Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
29/03/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture 'To See The Beginning of Time' Andrew Lound Odyssey Dramatic Lectures |
Fulton House |
23/03/2013 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks will be given |
Swansea Airport |
15/03/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Studying the Dark Universe with X-ray vision' Dr Ben Maughan, Bristol University |
Fulton House |
01/03/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Astronomy, The Ultimate Question' Roger Butler, Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
23/02/2013 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks given and refreshment Cafeteria available. |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
15/02/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Invisibility' Prof Hugh Jones, SAS |
Fulton House |
09/02/2013 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party See the night sky through telescopes with the Swansea Astronomical Society. Hear an astronomical talk and see different sorts of telescopes demonstrated and explained. |
Oystermouth Castle, Mumbles |
25/01/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Caroline Herschel : first lady of astronomy' Margaret Collins, SAS |
Fulton House |
19/01/2013 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Cafeteria refreshments available. Cancelled due to snow |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
13/01/2013 10am to 5pm |
Astronomy Exhibition Swansea Astronomical Society will be exhibiting at the National Museum of Wales. See our large, scale-model of the Solar System and exhibits of our work. Obtain advice on telescopes and take refreshment in the cafeteria. |
National Museum of Wales, Cardiff |
11/01/2013 7pm |
Society Lecture 'The Higgs Boson' Prof. Simon Hands, Swansea University |
Fulton House |
05/01/2013 6:30 to 9:30 pm |
Star Party Star Party – Llanmadoc, North Gower In partnership with the St Madoc’s Centre, come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes at this lovely location in the northwest corner of Gower. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks given. Event will go ahead whatever the weather as you will be able to enjoy a wonderfully informative presentation and have a chance to have a look at and ask about the special telescopes used for star gazing. Why not make an evening of it and book yourself a supper of specially prepared local cawl served with bread and cheese. Please book directly with St Madoc’s on: 01792 386291. Light refreshments will also be available. This event is funded by Rural Development Plan, City and County of Swansea, and Countryside Council for Wales; and kindly supported by St. Madoc’s Centre. |
St Madoc’s Centre, Llanmadoc, Gowe |
16/12/2012 10am to 5pm |
SAS meets and greets the public Members of the Swansea Astronomical Society will meet with members of the public to give advice on telescopes and talk about the SAS and astronomy in Swansea |
Waterstones, Oxford Street, Swansea |
09/12/2012 2pm |
Christmas Lecture, Saturday “Setting sail for the stars†Andrew Lound |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
08/12/2012 6:30 to 9:30 pm |
Star Party In partnership with Rhossili Village Hall, come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks given. Event will go ahead whatever the weather as you will be able to enjoy a wonderfully informative presentation and have a chance to have a look at and ask about the special telescopes used for star gazing. Light refreshments will be available for purchase on the night. This event is funded by the Rural Development Plan, City and County of Swansea, and Countryside Council for Wales; and kindly supported by Rhossili Village Hall. |
Rhossili Village Hall, Middleton, Rhossili, Gower |
07/12/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture “Astronomy without a Telescope may surprise You' Martin Chick, Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
04/12/2012 8pm-9pm |
Star Gazing Live Radio Show Brian Stokes and Brian Spinks will discuss forthcoming astronomical events in the Night Sky and the Swansea area. Go to and listen to this internet radio station on your computer, smartphone or tablet computer. |
Mumbles Radio |
27/11/2012 8pm |
Star Gazing Live Radio Show New Internet Radio show with Swansea Astronomical Society |
Radio Mumbles |
24/11/2012 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks given and refreshment Cafeteria available |
National Botanic Garden for Wales |
23/11/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture "What is Dark Energy?" Martin Griffiths, Glamorgan University |
Fulton House |
09/11/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture "Hale, The most important astronomer of the 20th Century?" Dr Rhodri Evans, Cardiff University |
Fulton House |
27/10/2012 6-30pm to 9-30pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks will be given. |
Swansea Airport |
26/10/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Ten Targets for Light-Polluted Astronomers' Bob Mizon MBE FRAS |
Fulton House |
13/10/2012 6:30 to 9:30 pm |
Star Party Come and join Swansea Astronomical Society Observers viewing the wonders of the night sky through their telescopes. Information on telescopes/purchase also provided. Astronomical talks given. Event will go ahead whatever the weather as you will be able to enjoy a wonderfully informative presentation and have a chance to have a look at and ask about the special telescopes used for star gazing. Why not make an evening of it and book yourself a supper of specially prepared local cawl served with bread and cheese. Please book directly with the café on: 01792 346494. The café will also be serving drinks and snacks. This event is funded by the Rural Development Plan, City and County of Swansea, and Countryside Council for Wales; and kindly supported by Mawr Development Trust and Dwr Cymru / Welsh Water. |
Lower Lliw Reservoir Café, Felindre, North Swansea |
12/10/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'A year of the Swansea Astronomical Society' Steve Wainwright, SAS |
Fulton House |
20/08/2012 12 - 3pm |
Safe Summer Solargazing Join Swansea Astronomical Society for SAFE SUMMER SOLAR GAZING through proper solar observing equipment. |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
19/08/2012 12 - 3pm |
Safe Summer Solar Gazing Join Swansea Astronomical Society for SAFE SUMMER SOLAR GAZING, 18th.August between 12 and 3pm. There will also be a planetarium there from the 18th. through to the 24th. Aug. Also Brian Stokes, Swansea Astronomical Society Chairman will give a talk on Aug 18th entitled 'Why the Sun is a poor timekeeper'. |
Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
06/08/2012 11am - 5pm |
Solar Observing Day Swansea Astronomical Society will be at the Garden with their telescopes so that you can safely view the Sun. Come along and listen to the talks, demonstrations, and videos in the Theatre and Marquee. The Sun - Why is it hot? Why has it got Sun Spots? How will it end? |
National Botanical Garden of Wales |
25/05/2012 7pm |
AGM Annual General Meeting of the Swansea Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
11/05/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Spaced out under city skies' Nick Hart Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
27/04/2012 7pm |
EGM Extraordinary general meeting to discuss the observatory. (Members only) |
Fulton House |
13/04/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Amateur Radio Astronomy' Bob Greef |
Fulton House |
23/03/2012 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture 'Herschel's Lunatick Friends†Herschel's Links with the Lunar Society Andy Lound |
Fulton House |
17/03/2012 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
Swansea Airport Open Evening (Star Party) Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
Swansea Airport |
09/03/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Of Broom stars, Small Moons and rings' Paul Money (Astrospace) |
Fulton House |
24/02/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'History of the Swansea Astronomical Society'. Dave Tovey SAS |
Fulton House |
18/02/2012 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
National Botanical Garden Open Evening (Star Party) Open Evening with Telescopes. We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
National Botanical Garden of Wales |
10/02/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Asteroids' Dr Bob Owens of the National Museum for Wales |
Fulton House |
05/02/2012 11am |
Time Tides and Telescopes talk Join Brian Spinks (Swansea Astronomical Society) as he talks about what causes tides and determines their times. To predict tide times, astronomers address three problems: * the establishment of accurate time keeping * the understanding of the moon's orbit * the effect of gravity on tides Solving these problems led to the accurate prediction of tide heights and times which are of vital importance to sailors, coast dwellers and millions of others around the globe. |
Swansea Waterfront Museum |
28/01/2012 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes (Star Party) Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
Craig-y-Nos Country Park |
27/01/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture '20 years - a long time in cosmology and particle physics' Dr Warren Perkins, Swansea University |
Fulton House |
21/01/2012 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
Waterfront Museum Open Evening (Star Party) Join the Swansea Astronomical Society for a special winter stargazing evening when the skies are at their darkest. The team will guide you through how to use a telescope and end with a short talk. No experience is necessary and refreshments are available. |
Swansea Waterfront Museum |
13/01/2012 7pm |
Society Lecture "Graphene - Relativity in a Pencil Stroke" Prof Simon Hands, Swansea University |
Fulton House |
17/12/2011 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
Bridgend Open Evening (Star Party) CANCELLED Open Evening with Telescopes. We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
Bridgend Parc Slip Nature Reserve |
11/12/2011 11 am |
Christmas Lecture “A Starry Night to Remember†The Astronomy of the sinking of the Titanic. Andy Lound |
The Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
09/12/2011 7pm |
Society Lecture “The Antikythera Mechanism†An ancient Greek Computer. Prof.Mike Edmunds: Cardiff University |
The Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
25/11/2011 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Astronomical Art' Chris Williams, Welsh artist |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
19/11/2011 6.30pm - 9.30pm |
National Botanical Garden Open Evening (Star Party) Open Evening with Telescopes. We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
National Botanical Garden of Wales |
11/11/2011 7pm |
Society Lecture 'The Yerkes Observatory' Dr Rhodri Evans: Cardiff University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
28/10/2011 7pm |
Society Lecture 'How to discover your own Planetary Nebula' Dr Rhys Morris: Bristol University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
22/10/2011 7pm - 9pm |
Swansea Airport Open Evening (Star Party) Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions: Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. If fine, we will be outside observing the night sky. |
Swansea Airport |
14/10/2011 7pm |
Society Meeting "A Year of Observing" Dr. Steve Wainwright SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
15/08/2011 |
Sun Day - All about the Sun Swansea Astronomical Society will be at the Garden with their Solar Telescopes. Presentations in the Theatre and if the weather is fine, see sun-spots, solar prominences. Learn all about our nearest Star! |
National Botanical Garden of Wales |
27/05/2011 7pm |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
13/05/2011 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture 'Uranus, Herschel's planet: the history and discovery of Uranus' |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
29/04/2011 7pm |
Everyman's Astrophotography Steve Wainwright, SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
15/04/2011 7pm |
Neutron stars, micro-quasars and jets Frazer Lewis, Cardiff University research student |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
08/04/2011 7pm |
Extraordinary General Meeting Extraordinary General Meeting - Members only. |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
25/03/2011 7pm |
CHANGE: Dr Dipak Munshi will give a talk entitled 'Cosmology at a Crossroad' |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
12/03/2011 6.30pm to 9pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions, Re:- Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. |
Swansea Airport |
11/03/2011 7pm |
Shuttle – Requiem for the Dream Nick Lewis, SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
25/02/2011 7pm |
Binocular Astronomy Dave Powell CAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
12/02/2011 6.30pm to 9pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions, Re:- Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. Entry is £3 with under-16s free. For more details, see here: |
National Botanic Gardens, Llanarthne |
11/02/2011 7pm |
The Griffon Educational Observatory Martin Griffiths, University of Glamorgan |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
29/01/2011 6.30pm-9pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes Bridgend/Port Talbot/Swansea Joint Star Party Directions: We have received the following directions: "Parc Slip Nature Reserve, Aberkenfig which is not far from Junction 36 of the M4 motorway: At the end of the sliproad turn left towards Aberkenfig. Go straight though the next roundabout (signposted Aberkenfig/Pyle) and you will find yourself out in the countryside. After a mile or so you will see the Fountain Inn Restaurant on the left and, exactly opposite, a railway crossing which you must drive over (ie you turn right opposite the Fountain Inn). By this time you will have noticed brown signs with a picture of a duck. They are directions to the Nature reserve. After half a mile or so, up the narrow road, you will see the Nature reserve on the left hand side. There is ample car parking space. The post code is CF320EH but if you set it too early it will probably send you up the backroads from Pyle which are a real labyrinth in that area. At least that's what mine does! Stay on the M4 and it's very easy. That postcode covers a large area so don't expect the SatNav to pinpoint the actual building. The brown duck signs are better!" |
Parc Slip Nature Reserve |
28/01/2011 7pm |
Some aspects of Particle Physics Carlos Nunez, Swansea University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
15/01/2011 6.30pm to 9.30pm - drop in |
Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions, Re:- Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome, young and old! In association with BBC Stargazing Live. (Note: a cafe is available at Swansea Airport to purchase hot drinks and various food items) |
Swansea Airport |
14/01/2011 7pm |
Just a handful of stars Nick Hart CAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
18/12/2010 CANCELLED |
Bridgend/Port Talbot/Swansea Joint Star Party |
Parc Slip Nature Reserve |
13/12/2010 2.30pm |
Christmas Lecture Sir Isaac Remembers …. (a one man play) Prof Mike Edmunds Cardiff University |
Swansea Waterfront Museum |
13/12/2010 2.30pm |
Christmas Lecture Sir Isaac Remembers …. (a one man play) Prof Mike Edmunds Cardiff University |
Swansea Waterfront Museum |
10/12/2010 7pm |
What Earth Type are you? Brian Stokes, SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
26/11/2010 7pm |
The Herschel Space Telescope Prof Derek Ward-Thompson Cardiff University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
20/11/2010 6.30pm to 9pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions, Re:- Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. |
National Botanic Garden, Llanarthne |
12/11/2010 7pm |
SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory For Infra-Red Astronomy) Dr. Rhodri Evans Cardiff University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
29/10/2010 7pm |
The Messier Marathon Graham Carter CAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
16/10/2010 7pm to 9.30pm |
Open Evening with Telescopes We still run the show if it rains, with indoor attractions, Re:- Telescopes, Laptops, Presentations, Displays etc. All welcome. |
Swansea Airport |
15/10/2010 7pm |
Society Meeting Open meeting and update on Fairwood and FOG (Fairwood Observing Group) with Steve Wainwright and Derek Francis SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
26/09/2010 8pm |
Star Gazing Live Radio Show New Internet radio show with Swansea Astronomical Society. |
Radio Mumbles |
17/06/2010 7pm |
Members Buffet Supper End of year social event! Derek is taking names and collecting £5 per person with the rest of the costs met from the Social fund. Members will also be able to sign up at the AGM next week (23rd May) |
Gower Golf Club |
27/05/2010 7pm |
AGM With members' talks |
Swansea University, Fulton House, Lecture Room 2 |
13/05/2010 7pm |
Gerry Lacey Memorial Lecture Neptune, a calculated guess by Mr Andy Lound |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
24/04/2010 11am |
Historial Association: “Mapping Renaissance Astronomy: People, Places and Problems†|
National Waterfront Museum, Swansea |
22/04/2010 7pm |
What's going on at CERN - update Prof Simon Hands |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
08/04/2010 7pm |
Meteors (Astronomy or Geology) Jon Laver BAS |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
26/03/2010 6pm-9pm |
Open Evening Cancelled due to bad weather |
National Botanical Gardens of Wales |
26/03/2010 6pm-9pm |
Public Open Evening Cancelled due to bad weather |
National Botanical Gardens of Wales |
25/03/2010 7pm |
The History of the Universe, Seeing into the Past Matt Griffin, Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
11/03/2010 7pm |
In Search of the Northern Lights Dave Tovey |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
25/02/2010 7pm |
Camera or Eyepiece? ; Observing or Imaging? Steve Wainwright |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
11/02/2010 7pm |
Cassini-Huygens - the men and the mission Dr. John L Birks SAS |
Swansea University, Fulton House |
31/01/2010 11am - 2pm |
Open House 11am to 2pm Members Open House, for members to take any remaining equipment they wish. |
Marina Towers |
22/01/2010 6pm - 9pm |
Star Party Star Party at the National Botanical Gardens of Wales. Exhibition/talk and telescopes outside to view stars (weather permitting) Free entry to the gardens tonight (and all of January) Botanical Gardens weblink |
National Botanical Garden of Wales, Llanarthne |
11/11/2009 |
SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory For Infra-Red Astronomy) Dr. Rhodri Evans Cardiff University |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
04/11/2009 7pm - 9pm for 6 weeks |
Basic Practical Astronomy Course A Practical Introduction to Astronomy, observing and use of telescopes. Telephone 01792 295786 (DACE) to book this course. Every Wednesday for six weeks. Cost: £22.50 (£15 concessions) |
Keir Hardie Building Room 021, Swansea University |
30/10/2009 5.30pm - 9pm |
Star Party Come along and view the stars through our telescope (weather permitting) Wear something warm! Final Star Party at the Marina Towers, we will stay open until 11pm if required. All welcome :) |
Marina Towers Observatory |
28/10/2009 7pm |
Telescopes and Exhibition Come along and view the stars through our portable telescopes (weather permitting) Please wear something warm! |
Aberdare Country Park |
11/05/2009 7pm |
Society Lecture Title to be arranged Nick Hart Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
29/04/2009 7pm |
The Sun, the capricious star upon which we depend Steve Wainwright, SAS |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
15/04/2009 7pm |
Neutron stars, micro-quasars and jets Frazer Lewis, Cardiff University research student |
Fulton House, Swansea University |
01/01/1970 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Wherefore Art Thou?' Brian Stokes, SAS |
Fulton House |
01/01/1970 19:15 |
Observing the Lunar 100 Jonathan Gale (Swansea Astronomical Society) will give a talk on 'Observing the Lunar 100' |
IQ Building Room 001 + Zoom |
01/01/1970 7pm |
Society Lecture 'John Goodricke, The astronomer who could neither hear nor speak – My Hero' Dave Powell MBE, Cardiff Astronomical Society |
Fulton House |
01/01/1970 7pm |
Society Lecture 'Jim's search for the truth' Jim Collins, SAS |
Fulton House |
01/01/1970 20:30 until late |
Observing and imaging runs of Saturn, Jupiter and dark sky objects The forecast currently looks good for tonight (Monday 6th September), so we will be opening up the Observatory at Fairwood for a member's viewing evening and night from 8:30 pm. Please note that this takes the place of Tuesday 7th September which is now cancelled due to the weather. The moon is new, so this should be a good opportunity for some dark sky observing following some planetary observing of Saturn and Jupiter early on. Please dress accordingly with some warm clothing available and bring a flask or a hot drink. As the weather can change please check your email before heading out in case this event has to be cancelled. This event is going ahead TONIGHT Monday 6th September 2021 |
Fairwood Observatory |
01/01/1970 19:00 |
Member’s observing and imaging Members are invited to attend Fairwood from 7 pm for some observing and imaging. The moon will be full however (rising at 8pm) so this will wash out many targets, but the moon of course will be a prime target. Conditions are set to be mild but there will be quite a wind but dress appropriately and a hot drink is advisable. |
Fairwood |
01/01/1970 19:00 until late |
Fairwood Observing and imaging Members are welcome to attend Fairwood for some observing and imaging from 7pm. Conditions look to be set fair, but will be in single figures, so warm clothing and a hot drink are advisable. |
Fairwood Observatory |
01/01/1970 20:30 until late |
Members Observing and imaging Members are invited to attend the Brian Stokes Cygnus Observatory for some views of Mercury, the first quarter moon, Saturn, Jupiter and more. Conditions seem to be set fair with mild conditions, but a weather go/no-go call will be made on WhatsApp by 4pm, so please check before travelling. |
Fairwood Observatory |
01/01/1970 6 pm to 9pm |
Star Party Come and view the night sky through telescopes with the Swansea Astronomical Society. There will also be an astronomical talk and a small astronomical exhibition |
National Botanic Garden of Wales |